@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks viennent de CHOQUER le monde du hockey avec ça…

Elias Lindholm est officiellement un joueur des Canucks de Vancouver. Andrei Kuzmenko avec un énorme colis expédié aux Flames de Calgary. Commerce fou, j’espère juste que les Canucks pourront s’assurer que cela paiera maintenant Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Its clear we're aiming to Win now, we're getting a player that is complete Now, its worth it to increase our chances for this and next year imo. Its a transition of mindset though, we're not used to thinking like this

  2. Brzustewicz might be a nice NHL player but for a guy who profiles as a third pairing/power play quarterback he might have struggled for ice time given the amount of ice time Hughes already chews up with the man advantage.
    Conroy did well to get a good return for a player that they knew they were going to lose anyway and while the Canucks did give up a lot, none of those pieces aside from potentially Kuzmenko are poised to help Vancouver reach that next level during their window of contention. This seems like a good trade for both teams.

  3. Hunter is the only concern for me. Would have rather seen us retain some of Kuzi’s cap space. But, all-in is all-in! 👍

  4. 2:30 bro ur tweaking. I’m sad we didn’t get Tanev in the deal and gave up hunter. But why u crying about two picks and kuzmenko. The first and kuzmenko were expected to be traded

  5. Funny we all were sad when Horvat left, what exactly a year ago? I certainly was. Now NOBODY thats a true Canuck fan regrets that deal.

    Just offering some perspective. Sure the Flames got a decent "haul" but prospects are just that.

    This type of dealmaking by Allvin all seems to be according to plan. Feels a lot better than the Jim Benning era, that mostly felt plan-less to me.

    We needed a top D-Man for Hughes, took care of it last spring.
    Needed another size Defenseman and got Zodorov.

    Needed another top 6 Center, got Lindholm.

    All seems to be according to a plan.

  6. Actually Canucks would have paid less if Tocchet let Kuzmenko play instead of benching him cause his value had decreased so if his value was at his potential Canucks would have probably "just" gave Kuzy and a 1st round

  7. You are not valuing the pieces properly. The trade is quite reasonable all things considered. JR and PA have been amazing since they’ve been here.

  8. It’s probably going to be pretty much a second round pick at roughly 30th overall, jurmo is a bum, Kuz benefited ironically off of the Canucks being a horrible team last year and him getting a lot of time as well as the fact that he was shooting at 27.3%. Who cares abt a fourth/hopefully third if yk yk, hunter brzustewicz stings a bit but knowing that we already got Hughes doesn’t hurt as much. Overall I think we’re going all in this year and it’s a learning curve for us Canucks fans especially me as a younger fan being used to the selling.

  9. Decent trade at best but seeing Kuzy go hurts.

    The Canucks have always been such a moody team and having a player like Kuzmenko is so refreshing.

  10. They needed to clear salary cap, and that is why Kuzy had to go… Besides, I think Hughes is really driving this team right now. The window to win the cup is more than this year, but a few more years up to when Hughes' contract expires. And by that time, Miller will probably slowing down a bit, and the core won't be the same… and of course, that's if Pettersson resigns.. if he doesn't resign, well, at least they can get some hefty return for him… not the complete end of the world, but it wouldn't be good.

  11. No way were canucks getting Tanev included,he's worth a 1st alone. Think about it its something Canucks needed and they gave up a bottom six guy and a bunch of unknowns as far as what type of player they will eventually be.

  12. This is the issue with the fans here. Stop getting attached to players. This is business bro. You’re crying over a late 1st that prob won’t even matter. Hunter that will maybe be in the nhl in 2026 lol and forget the other kid and then a 4th that won’t matter either. Come on man grow up. Kuz that just didn’t work out with the coach. We just got a selke type of player that will thrive with petterson lol. Plus we save 680k almost. That’s leaves us with 1.8 mill in cap. We can add most depth also.

  13. I want to see Kuzy do well wherever he is, and from what I hear Lindholm knows Petterson and has played with him before in International play so hey there's that. The prospects I'm Meh on, the Two picks I wish we could have given up less, But hey

  14. Your take is such ea nhl armchair gm’ing… this is such a financial win for us, and it’s absolutely not a bad trade. We were expected to pay more as geographical rivals and Rutherford has a history of being cut throat at deadlines… I’m glad he pulled the trigger before the ASG

  15. Do not fall into the trappings of yesterday of over critisizing. Do not question it. Those pieces we lost were for a build we thought was happening. Our boys bloomed early and so they had to trade to make the bloom full so we can plant that flower in a Stanley Cup flowerpot. This is the year. I had to be done.

  16. Complaining about a 1st round pick is delusional.

    Thinking this is a dumb trade and getting Tanev means you just don't understand rental trades.

  17. I’m not a lover of giving a handful of players for 1,but Lindholm is about as good a rental as the canucks could hope for at this stage. I’m 50+ years old. I NEED to see the Canucks win a Stanley cup before I die! It’s not too much to ask…

  18. Looks like they gave up a lot to on paper, but really it’s not bad. Now’s the time to push and go all in. This season Vancouver pulled a straight flush on the flop. We’re bringing the cup home this year! Go Canucks Go!!!

  19. I agree with you that this trade is not good. The easiest way to say it is it’s way too much to give up for a guy with nine goals. The longer way to say it is we have half of a good season and now we’re all in giving up first round picks and throwing away prospects like our pipeline is full of endless talent and the rebuild is over. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Lindholm is a weak player. He doesn’t play tough hockey. He’s a perimeter player with nine goals. I don’t know what more to say. Disappointed

  20. I’m with you, Calgary won this one. Giving up a first round pick and a good prospect is lunacy. Yeah a 30th pick is no guarantee but neither is Lindholm. Will he fit in on the Canucks? Will he be a rental? I’m not a fan off mortgaging the future to win now at any cost. Never seems to work.

  21. They wanted another 1st rounder for Tanev so they didn't do it but they are still working on it

  22. @masonm I agree . Got a feeling Canucks n flames are going to do 1 more trade. Why wouldn't Tanev? Is what stumps me

  23. Totally disagree. Lindholm is an almost guaranteed fit with the Canucks. His skill set fits our needs to a tee. Kuzmenko was never going to work out under this system. We dumped his salary for next season while helping the team to make a playoff run. The rest of the assets are incidental, none of them are likely to turn out to make an impact. Also, a lot of teams wanted Lindholm, Canucks had to go the extra mile to get him. I love this move because it makes the team better now and arguably in the future as well.

  24. Rutherford has proven ability to build winners. He is not sentimental about players like fans are. Your feeling are the least of his concern. Lindholm is the right fit for this team at this time for a whole list of reasons and we paid a good price to get him for that reason.

  25. Why does everybody complain about giving up first rounders. If you're a contending team and you're all in who cares. The pick would be a late round pick, and the prospect won't fit our window.

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