@Bruins de Boston

C’était sans courage

Pour la vidéo de la LNH d’aujourd’hui, nous parlons d’un jeu dans le match des Bruins de Boston des Capitals de Washington qui était… juste autre chose. Beaucoup d’entre nous garderont certainement un œil sur Matt Grzelcyk dans les actualités de la LNH aujourd’hui, après cela sur Max Pacioretty. Pour plus de réactions et de détails sur les faits saillants de la LNH en 2024, la couverture des rumeurs commerciales de la LNH et le retour sur les transactions précédentes, les choix et les pronostics (il y en a un gros à venir) et plus encore, abonnez-vous. Hockey LNH #hockey #lnh #faits saillants


  1. This league does not care about the the players safety. How. Brad Marchand n Ben should be gone forever. But no dirty player. Get away with it every time.

  2. Uh yeah, ok, we're talking Matt Grzelcyk here……this was completely unintentional…….this guy's never been fined before…….just a missed stick lift, let's calm down

  3. There have always been dirty plays, but this season has many cheap and cowardly shots.
    If the NHL doesn't stop this, the Tom Wilsons and Ryan Reaves will. We know where that leads.

  4. Dirty shove goes uncalled, so he retaliated with a potentially career-ending spear. Wtf.

  5. The fact he only got a fine yet Nikita Zadorov got 2 games for hitting heads with someone who wasn’t even hurt and dove just highlights the issue with the DoPS.

  6. People thinking a game missconduct and the suspension will get that type of incidents out of the game are delussional.. That shit wasn't happening back in the good days because after that shift you'd have a tough guy running for you and theres nothing like a beating to make sure that doesn't happen again.

  7. Patch already should have got a cross-checking pathway into the boards before Grizzly did what he did patch already an American captain in Montreal are you kidding me that's why Canadians suck

  8. Maybe this is a dumb question… but do nhl players not wear cups anymore?? If this happened when I was playing hockey, it would have glanced off the hard shell of the cup and dug into the side of the groin area. Would have hurt, but still confident I’d be able to have kids….

  9. Espn commentators, ‘he was trying to go between his legs’. I listened to it. They were a joke.

  10. A Bruins player? $1000 fine…that's it. I'm not sure why these clowns always seem to get reduced punishments…makes you wonder

  11. Common play gone wrong and the NHL dealt with it…Gryz is NOT a dirty player – Bruins fan here saying MOVE ON instead of shedding tears.

  12. I'm 54 yrs old and I've been watching hockey my entire life and I have to tell you I don't watch much hockey anymore because of bush league stuff like this and I'm a life long Bruins fan. I see this crap all over the league though and I'm frankly tired of it. Cheap shots destroy the fun of watching and I can't for the life of me understand why a player would want to hurt another player so viscously. I've also played hockey my entire life and I would never think about doing this to another play or any of the other crap I see watching games. My favorite player of all time was Rick Middleton #16 Right Wing of the Boston Bruins. A very skilled player and class act on and off the ice. NHL players today are very skilled but also very nasty to each other and I don't like it at all.

  13. Bruins fan since the 70's and it was CLEARLY retaliatory. I don't even want to hear that crap story they were selling.

  14. Like I get it, hehe haha nut shot funny, but defending thiis level of nut shot? You do understand that testicles can be permanently damaged to the point of no longer producing swimmers but also to the point of downright surgical removal, right?

  15. Pacioretty is one of the dirtiest players ever. He deserves everything he gets. He came back like nothing happened. Typical. Somebody should give him one to the face.😅

  16. 🤔 maybe people would actually watch this winter sport if it was not so freakin' violent ya think why would anyone want to watch a sport that has anything to do with violence is beyond me but you do you.

  17. Stupid, ignorant, "tough guy" Walter Mitty wannabes love the violent hits, the cheap shots, etc.

  18. I’m pretty sure when the puck is on another time zone, this is just assault. He should have just grabbed his wallet while he was at it..

  19. If you take a really, REALLY close look at the Bruins you will find I promise you, that the Bruins are all dirty POS. They hit dirty just watch from the hit to 5-6 seconds after the hit, just watch you will see. Also watch behind the play, don't watch the puck or where the refs are looking. Look behind the play, behind the refs, because if the refs are not looking the Bruins are doing something dirty to their opponents. Now before giving me your two cents that mean absolutely nothing to me, do as I ask for 1 Bruins game and then see if you feel confident in doubting what I say. Also can you explain why so many players especially new players to the team, leave get out of Dodge?? I will tell you first hand as yes I am a friend of someone who was traded to the Bruins. When he seen how they operate and some things said to prove they are dirty, he told them if they want mums the word then trade him and trade him fast or he will start talking. He was traded 2 days later. The Bruins are total sacs of shit, just look at who they made their Captain. That alone must at least if nothing else prove they like it dirty. There isn't to many if any that are as dirty as that little puke.

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