@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Les Leafs ont raison d’être énervés contre la LNH…

#torontomapleleafs #hockey #nhl #morganrielly #ottawasenators Morgan Rielly fait face à une suspension de 5 matchs après avoir contre-vérifié Ridley Griegs suite à son but dans un filet désert dans les dernières secondes de la défaite de Toronto contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa.


  1. 5 games is good.

    Plus leaf fans. If you didn’t want the suspension. Maybe you should have…won?

  2. i didn't know that was what you're gonna say. as a sens fans, i absolutely agree, that's pretty outrageous. gotta feel bad for rielly (a little bit, but suspension deserved)

  3. If Rielly played for another team this wouldn't be getting nearly as much attention and the suspension itself would be 2-3 games. Some people saying it should be more than 5 are only doing so because they hate the Leafs. There's no consistency with Parros. I still have no clue how Trouba only got a fine for swinging his stick at an opponents head.

  4. Jokes on leafs haters…leafs are now 15-2-1 without rielly going back to last year…and im not surprised at the length of suspension since the head of player safety is a certified leafs hater

  5. Accuracy dude, slow down the rush to post and check the facts. The hearing and the weather that prevented it from being in person was in the New York office not Toronto. Its a small detail but getting it wrong hurts credibility.

  6. Leaf are in no right to be pissed , totally deserve more then 5games , no behavior like this should be tolerate , you dont hit someone to the head with a crosscheck when someone just score , even if it was a fuck you kinda of deal to the leafs

  7. I'm pissed because he gets 5 games meanwhile players from other teams who do much worse only get a fine or nothing at all. The department of player safety is so inconsistent

  8. In-person hearings are at the league office which is in New York, not Toronto.

  9. Except it's not in line. Hunter got 21 games for the same exact thing over 30 years ago. NHL literally admitting that they are going backwards in regards to player safety. NHL: "player safety is important to us." Also NHL: "cross checking someone after the play bc he hurt your feelings is 75% less important than it was 30 years ago." To every player out there: Don't wait for puck drop to drop the gloves. Sucker your opponent before the faceoff and knock him out cold. Worst you will get is 5 games

  10. Concussions are no joke and a crosscheck to the face is a great way to get one. The league made the right call with 5 games (plz note that the Leafs are my 2nd fave team so not a biased Leafs hater here). Honestly I hope all teams start clapping pucks into empty netters just to pay homage to this call & live in their opponent's heads rent-free. Far more often (than not) does the opposing team score when a team pulls their goalie so plenty of opportunities to make it trendy. I honestly never saw it (clapping into EN) as disrespectful (even when I played) but I'd like to consider myself far more mature than most of my teammates; even if all I played was up until my AAA season of midget. To each their own, I know the sport has changed alot since then and fragile egos play a much larger part in the "unwritten rules" of today's game.

  11. The ruling is fair…
    …if we live in a world where no player gets away without getting the suspension they deserve…
    …which we don't.

  12. Oki phew I thought you were gonna say the Leafs are rightfully angry at the punishment itself. But yeah having the decision publicly leaked before Rielly knows is outrageous

  13. theyre not mad that it got leaked early, they're mad they didn't get to control the narrative, which IS WHY whoever leaked it, leaked it.

  14. Ridly Grieg rightfully got big cheers at home tonight whenever he touched the puck.. they might just paint a mural of that goal outside the opponents dressing room before the Leafs are back in town 😂

  15. NO RIGHTS to be mad. Same amount of dirtyness with an unexpected headshot with intent to injured. Gally got 5 and that was way too low. 5 is enough. Also this isn't a big penalty either which probably plays a factor. Gally got kicked half way into the game which basically makes his 5.5 games. Riley just got 5.

  16. That shouldn't even be a single game. That is crazy to me. If you want to hot dog like that guy did then you will get what you get.

  17. Neutral fan here (with regards to the NHL). It was a cross check to the head. If anything, Rielly and the Leafs got off EASY.

    Don't want an opponent putting a slapshot into your empty net? Don't put them in a position where they could do so.

  18. Roflmfao how anyone can be mad at being suspended for a cheapshot with 2 hands on the stick to the face is beyond me, I wanna see teams use 2 hands to the face of mathews after the next goal he scores and see how leafblowers react and think a suspension is not allowed for it.

  19. we watched your first video about the play in my sports marketing class today 😭 i was actually shocked

  20. Dude's a professional hockey player, and he gets legitimately UPSET when someone is "mean" to him. Truly pathetic.

  21. Screw Reilly.. BUM.. ''I'll show some heart for being insulted after the game is over. by cheap shotting a guy (yes, over a dick move) instead of dropping the gloves''… Nice veteran move… You just missed 60 minutes where you and yer whole team were flat lined…As usual against the Sens. Gonna enjoy the win streak where his pinching, mega buck forward teammate trapping, net missing ass isn't in the line up

  22. Leafs' #1 d-man… who let someone behind him to shoot a slapper on an empty net. You know, with 6 attackers on the ice…

    Pretty much sums up the Leafs, doesn't it?

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