@Ligue nationale de hockey

Walker aplatit Reaves

Walker aplatit Reaves



  1. Fuck-spez85

    By flatten you mean hit from behind….then sure.

  2. Party_Gur_3151

    Blokes an Aussie and used to play rugby league, he’s built tougher than ryan reaves could imagine

  3. this_name_not_that

    “Make hockey violent again”.
    You got it, Reavo 👍

  4. alldawgsgoat2heaven

    Good hit, but I just think Reaves never saw or heard him coming.

  5. jlbradl

    I miss seeing Reaves do this to other teams while wearing the Blue note.

  6. GFYMODS669

    Must be down a few guys and desperate to let Reaves play the puck! Wonder why??

  7. TimsAFK

    NHL Aus Instagram admin about to have an absolute field day with this

  8. CreateorWither

    I’m surprised his old knees got him back to his feet.

  9. mickey91292

    Reaves isn’t use to having the puck, cut him some slack lol

  10. Weeble317

    At five minutes TOI, im sure his legs were still stiff

  11. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Reaves didn’t react cuz he only goes after the smallest guy on the other team. Dudes scared out there since WIFI tuned him in

  12. IsTheBlackBoxLying

    Reevo to his knees: « What are YOU gonna do about it?! »

  13. mingomcgoo

    He was just Making hockey violent again …

  14. HastyOyster

    id go easy with the term « flatten » on this one

  15. IllustriousShirt9625

    But he’s on the maple leaves..

  16. Wende11X

    Walker is lucky Reeves was on the bench and….oh

  17. ClanOrdoRules

    I’ll never not love seeing Ryan Reaves on his ass

  18. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    Reckon I’ll drive that tankuh.

  19. poopchutegaloot

    Not fair. Reaves skates like a child. This is bullying imo

  20. Bronson-101

    Biggest waste of a roster spot.

    Toronto is such a clown show

  21. TOsports_connoisseur

    Never underestimate a short little bull legged motherfucker on skates doesn’t end well

  22. What a hit. Where did that power come from

  23. EstablishmentNo5994

    Something like that would’ve never happened with a guy like Reaves on the ice.

  24. DMZOrchards

    Good for Walker! He’s grinded his way all the way up to a roster position!

  25. mister_sleepy

    Top Cunt, ya lil ripper! Good on ya!

  26. and then what happened?

    if you said our AHL guy got a hatty then cmon down!

  27. JuicemaN16

    Your definition of flattens and my definition of flattens are extremely different.

  28. DaisyFeeder

    Walker moved Reaves like he was a ten year old.

    Walker would destroy…DESTROY…Reaves toe to toe.

  29. Adorable_Pattern_636

    Reaves most over hated player, I genuinely think he’s fun and one of my favorites.

  30. BuzzOff2011

    We’re still waiting for Reaves to make hockey violent again. Been waiting all season

  31. PinCautious1536

    Reaves gave the kid a nod he knows when hes been had.

  32. Curious_Question1092

    Perfect check. Always satisfying when tough guys get layed out by smaller players.

  33. thegreatresistrules

    Weird reading this post title and then seeing reaves pop back up like nothing happened ..guess we all got different definitions of what flattens looks like

  34. xtzferocity

    Say what you will but Reaves not getting up looking for a fight was nice. We know no one on the leafs will do anything anyway but it was nice that a good clean hit was thrown and no retaliation was made

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