@Ligue nationale de hockey

Pas de pénalité après que Jenner ait mis Ridley Greig à genoux

Pas de pénalité après que Jenner ait mis Ridley Greig à genoux



  1. mrb2409

    Basically an assault. Jenner should get 3 months in jail.

  2. HoosierHoser44

    Well. Did he slap shot into an open net? I think Leafs fans think he deserves it.

  3. Not like he kneed the puck in to an open net on a breakaway

  4. willy_fister

    Better post about this for 4 days straight

  5. This forum is like Google Ads when I looked up a Fleshlight to « see what it was » and then I was bombarded with the ads for weeks… We don’t need every other post to be about Rielly or Grieg.

  6. Guilty-Mycologist-75

    If this doesn’t scream I wanna be a leaf I don’t know what does. Get a deal done tre!

  7. Kenevin

    Are the Leafs now subcontracting to other teams?

  8. Boone doing God’s work.

    George won’t save you this time kid.

  9. Rance_Mulliniks

    I think Greig will be targeted by many players who believe in the code.

  10. tyler_3135

    Somehow Columbus ended up with the PP after this. Pretty much par for the course for NHL refs this season.

  11. momarketeer

    Sens fans you want 30 games for that?

  12. BlueLittleMegaMan

    Come on. The NHL players arnt that petty

  13. reddituser9277

    Free my man Greig he ain’t do shit

  14. RoyMahoy

    Seems fine to me. No call was the right call there.

  15. Patrickbrown45

    Morgan Reilly was suspended an extra 7 games because of this

  16. NeedMoarCowbell

    Foligno got a game misconduct for a cleaner hit than that in the playoffs last year

  17. knowinshalfthebattle

    Leafs first rounder for Jenner, called it! Haha

  18. DenisNectar

    Reaves must be jerking off to the replays.

  19. danjamstan

    NHL players are letting the general public know this kid isn’t off the hook yet

  20. okokokoyeahright

    I can see supplemental discipline coming after this.

    Another bogus stupid move that serves no purpose in the game.

  21. baldw1n12345

    He’s a good guy from a town just west of Toronto.

  22. FightingCML-Leukemia

    Wow what a no call 🤦‍♀️

  23. InvestigatorFull2498

    Booner showing the Dirty Shwa he remembers in a big way!

  24. FogDucker9

    Add another game to the Rielly suspension.

  25. Creacherz

    Kid skates away towards the boxes after the scrum, then skates back… wtf is this guy ahaha stay there and throw some

  26. mudamuckinjedi

    Lol shits gonna start getting like Oprah up in the NHL you get a suspension, you get a suspension, you get a suspension!

  27. revillio102

    This is purely speculation but I wonder if Greig’s antics have put a target on his back around the league

  28. DrexlSpivey84

    Ole Greig has had a rough go of it lately.

  29. Old_Canuck

    I see someone was trying to collect the bounty early. 😂😂😂

  30. Sc00tzy

    Nothing wrong with that, if you don’t want to get kneed don’t have knees. Soft af

  31. iwatchtoomuchsports

    That’s my future leaf

    But jokes aside that’s a little far. Edlers one of my least favourite players after doing that to Hyman when he was a leaf

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