@Stars de Dallas

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Ce match contre Calgary était tout ce que vous espériez en tant que fan des Flames, mais en tant que fan des Stars. cela a montré tout ce qui ne va pas dans l’équipe. Les gardiens de but sont suspects, la défense est terrible et ils ne peuvent pas marquer de buts en temps opportun quand ils en ont besoin. Dans l’ensemble, c’était typique d’une équipe de Dallas qui excelle à sous-performer. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Suivez-moi sur Twitter https://twitter.com/ShansBoomstick Aimez et suivez ma page sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/


  1. It has really been sad seeing the stars get this bad. For me it started last year when Seguin got injured with his leg and was out the last quarter and the playoffs. Even though they still somehow stayed ok, got 50 wins, and first in the conference, they felt completely different after that. In the series with Minnesota, no offense to Wild fans, but Dallas should have won in 5 games easy. Instead, they almost blew it in game 6 and in game 7 anything could happen. When they faced St Louis, they looked alright in game 1 but I was scared after game two as I saw that Dallas couldn't do anything to fight off the Blues strength and grit. I honestly was surprised they forced it to 7. And obviously this year Dallas's defense is awful (somewhat due to the terrible offseason) and they might as well pulled the goalie and played with 6 attackers every game because of terrible goaltending. I know this is long but I'm frustrated out of my mind. The only thing that I can think that could fix this is to fire everyone and restart from the management standpoint, sell away your old veterans and anyone who doesn't fit anymore, draft and rebuild for the next 3-4 years, and hope Seguin and Benn are committed and are still in their prime when this is over. I know, a long shot.

  2. How is the view in the nosebleeds at rogers? I'm going there to watch and Oilers Vs Canucks game soon

  3. It's a shame what's happening in Dallas. At the start of the season they were my cup pick. Look at their roster you've got Benn, Seguin, Spezza, Sharp, Hemsky, Klingberg, Faksa, Janmark, Johns, Hamhuis, Lehtonen, Niemi as far as I'm concerned that's a championship caliber roster. I personally don't know what they can do in Dallas to turn it around?

  4. As a fan, I always kept telling myself in the 2016 offseason that we should resign Demers and Russell for the experience they had. I don't know if the move would have made us better or worse, but having young defensive core, with Hamhuis being the only one over the age of 26, blows my mind.

  5. Nichushkin is still one of best prospects what we have. I hope he will be after this season in khl. If we do not protect him Vegas definateli take him. Instead him we can protect Antoine who doesn´t have so high value. Nichushkin put up 24 points in 36 games.

  6. Fire the coach and see how the players react for the rest of the season. If it's still bad trade For D men.

  7. As a Flyers fan, should I be scared that the guys like Giroux and Voracek aren't having great years? Also, do u think Konecny has the skill to replace Giroux?

  8. ruff needs an elite goalie to play good system. lots of offense fast pace and not strong on defence and when you have that you need a shut down goalie which they don't have. they're fine offensively. they need to upgrade the d and the goaltending.

  9. Hey hockey guy Any chance you do a live reaction vid to Sens and Habs tonight, seeing as Bruins don't play, and Canucks don't play till late, would be cool considering how big a game it is

  10. Dallas defensive core is probably the worst in the league, they got 2 good defenseman who's offensive. They got 2 top 4 defenseman and 4 top 6. This core is simply terrible and you cannot count them as a playoff team until they get some help there. The goalie market is weak for what Dallas need like you said. Dallas gotta draft some defenseman and pray that they can step in early. If they can manage some good signing and some good draft pick. They can maybe go back to a contender form in 4 to 5 years, Seguin and Benn will be in their 30's which is still ok but not amazing. One thing Dallas has under control however is there contract. There's isn't a bad contract that is really long term so in 2 years, they will have enough cap space to make some move in free agency.

  11. Very well said! There is a whole lot to be frustrated about. We have the offensive talent to compete with anyone, but have to sure up the Defense & Goalie situation. Hopefully Nill finds away to piece this thing together this summer!

  12. Make a deal with Vegas so they take one of the two goalies in the expansion draft and buyout the other one.

  13. I don't know. How was that crash from 107 points to under 80 points (?) even possible so fast ?
    I think they need a full rebuild or at least a complete coaching/playsystem/goaltending change.
    How to get Dallas to play defence first ?

  14. I'm a long time Stars fan, from Dallas, been through thick and thin with this team, but easily this is one of the most heart breaking seasons. The expectations where so high and they haven't shown a bit of why people thought they were going to be good.

    Here are the problems with the Stars and I've placed them strategically.

    1 Coaching
    2 Goaltending
    3 Defense
    4 Scoring

    Coaching, why? Because it's noticeable. The team it playing very technical and with no hockey sense. Notice when the opposition enters the zone Dallas defense doesn't pinch or pressure, they assume position six feet away from the guy they need to cover and try poke checking the puck like they are afraid of it. Proximity defending gives the opposition time to skate, think, and set up. That falls on coaching.

    Defense is worse than goaltending, but I put it third on the list because a coaching change would right that ship fast! I agree with the whole Jordie thing, I actually liked his game, it was simple and easy. Other Stars fans would disagree because he's not Klingberg (who I don't care much for). Klingberg has become a liability, with his blind drop passes and turn overs. Johns is my favorite defenseman on the roster, but has been hindered a bit. Ruff is keeping him from playing his style of defense, that will keep johns from becoming the player I think he really could be (top two). Stars fans always have a whipping boy to blame and now that jordie is gone I'm sure the chips will fall on johns.

    When coaching has changed, defense will improve, when defense improves goaltending will too. But I still think the guys we have can't cut it. They are predictable and easy to read. Wanna score on niemi shoot down low, five hole from a short distance. Kari is even easier top of the circle over either shoulder but the sweet spot is over his left shoulder. We need to buy out one of their contracts and if at all possible go for someone like Darling this offseason, before Vegas gets him. I don't like the idea of fleury coming to Dallas, he'd be no different than what we have, in my honest opinion.

  15. The problem with Dallas is they expect Seguin and Benn to doo everything it was just Ike Edmonton few years back the expected Hall RNH and Ebbs too doo everything and you can't doo that it's a tea effort every line got too produce so i think maybe Dallas has too part ways with Benn and Seguin and rebuild the entire team.

  16. Crazy season. Don't even really know what to say. While the goalies haven't been good they've been far from the biggest problem. Which is even more concerning honestly. That being said I feel like Grubauer or Darling could be a nice fit and seem attainable. Give them a shot at being an NHL starter. Worth a shot, cant get much worse.

    As for the rest of the team I have no idea. Hope Bayreuther pans out on D. Try to a decent partner for Klingberg (no idea how or who). As for the offense just hope the pull their heads out of their asses next season and hit the net. Pretty sure Stars are first in the league in missed shots. Get thats not the only problem but hard to find another solution.

  17. I can't believe I thought they'd finish 1st this year in the west… even though I don't like the team. Dallas is terribly built, they made it so far last year solely on offensive firepower which dried up in the playoffs and St. Louis exposed them in game 7. In my opinion, Dallas only has 1 option for goaltending: sign Bishop as you don't know what goalies will become UFA in the future. They need to draft defence heavy. I mean draft a LOT of defence since apparently Jim Nill was part of the Detroit scouting system, he should be able to unearth some gems. How else will they acquire defense? They don't have a #1 dman since Klingberg is stalling in his development, Lindell isn't more than a top 4 in his prime, Hamhuis would look a lot better in the top 4 of a contender, that leaves all your eggs in 1 basket: Julius Honka. There is hope that they could get him to be a solid #2 defenceman, they just need a left-handed number one defenceman.
    But honestly if I'm a Dallas fan, I want a 2-3 year retool if that's even possible. Hey, it's wasting productive years of Benn's prime; and I'd be scared if Seguin is already in his prime meaning he won't improve. But if they even want a legit shot at the cup these are the necessary sacrifices that have to be made. They could prolong Benn's career by drafting Svechnikov next year t]if they're bad enough. That 1st line alone could carry a team like Dallas.

  18. Although I agree with Bishop and Fleury doing no better, as a Pens fan, I can assure you that defense has been underwhelming at best this season. They score, but Fleury and Murray have equally bailed them out time and again. Especially with injuries, the defense has been shoddy. And that's from the regulars who are still healthy, not the fill-ins.

    Stars have the offensive talent but absolutely nothing on defense. Klingberg absolutely should be in the AHL. He's been awful. Johns is the only perpetual bright spot, I agree. Oleksiak has improved, but marginally from a perpetual scratch to bottom-pair defenseman. He needs to embrace the size in training camp, agreed.

    I don't know how Dallas is more screwed than Colorado. Colorado has one line and some acceptable goalies but a dry pipeline. That's it.

    I don't know the whole fix, but I don't have any faith in Ruff or Nill, so I would want to have a GM and support staff in place April 16. I questioned Nill from the start, actually. Then Ruff gets the short leash into next season, because I think both at once might be too much to chew, whereas firing a coach mid-season tends to light a fire. All of the coaches should go. They've all had long enough to prove themselves. The talent isn't elite at either goalie or defense, but it's NHL capable, yet it's been AHL quality. They are not developing well enough and possibly not drafting well enough. But I don't recall seeing anyone as down on Honka, Klingberg, or Oleksiak as raw talents when picked. Those guys should be competent NHL regulars by now. All three are not. That demonstrates a glaring lack of development of defensemen. I think that's the biggest problem.

  19. My honest opinion on dallas and they are my team now and forever, the only easily possible solutions right now would be to find a team with amazing defenders that play defense and trade klingberg along with a pick and get a nice star defender get a good defensive prospect in this year's draft. and get one or two sub-par defenseman who play good defense, get rid of ruff and sign a good coach, possibly Hitchcock, that can use the resources given to him so he can make this team good offensively as it has been built but also good defensively which is where they lack mostly and use niemi as a backup to Kari who can really be good with a good defense as proven in times past

  20. Johns is one of the three I protect. Screw Hamuis. It would be a blessing to lose his salary to Vegas. If I'm Jim NIll, I'm hoping they take Eakin or Hemsky if applicable. EVerybody in the organisation, from the top down, said losing Janmark screwed their season before it started They missed his speed and energy and unstoppable attitude. I have high hopes for his return. Maybe Nill works a deal to get rid of some prospects and get a veteran Dman hes had his eye on fora while. Vegas is wheeling and dealing. PLUS, on top of all this since it was recorded, they canned Ruff and hired Ken Hitchock. That'll change some things in Dallas. Expect a much more defensive game, fast breakout.

  21. Dallas should be a playoff team in 2019. They need to get Seguin signed and hopefully the depth scoring is there.

  22. Looking back at this in 2021 Dallas is so different. Klinger's defense has gottne much better and Heiskanen was drafted and they are now one of the best defensive teams in the league. Now with those guys and Pavelski coming aboard in 2020 and Hintz being a stud future looks better. Not a huge fan of the Ryan Suter contract but it gives Dallas better depth. Along with Haakanpaa (I know I got this one wrong) Raffl, and others i'm a very interested Dallas fan this year

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