@Lightning de Tampa Bay

[POSTGAME] Avalanche du Colorado @ Lightning de Tampa Bay – 15/02/24 – Celui où Kuch obtient négligemment 3 autres points

#Le score de la boîte

[Full stats at NHL.com](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/col-vs-tbl/2024/02/15/2023020842) ##Scoreboard – Finale !!!!! Équipe | 1 | 2 | 3 | Total —|—|—-|—-|—- COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 2 | 0 | 4 | 6 ##Équipe de notation | Buteur | Descriptif | Aide 1 | Aide 2 | Période | Heure —-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—- COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | Byram (7) | EV, Hagel s’est fait tirer par derrière | Rantanen (41) | MacKinnon (56) | 1er | 15h07 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | INDIQUER!!! (26) | EV, rebond | | | 1er | 17h16 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | WUUUUUUUUUCHEROV !!!! (35) | EV, échec avant gras | Grêle (31) | | 1er | 18h25 COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | Byram (8) | EV, la rondelle était lâche | Colton (18) | Lehkönen (9) | 2ème | 15h03 COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | Lehkönen (6) | PP, hélas | MacKinnon (57) | Drouin (21) | 3ème | 3:38 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | STAMKOS !!!! (23) | EV, échappée + échappée | Kuuuuuuuucherov (57) | Hedman (44) | 3ème | 4h00 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | KUUUUUUUUUUCHEROV!!!! (36) | EV, laissez-passer maladie et but | Point (30) | Stamkos (27) | 3ème | 8:13 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | CIRELLI !!!! (12) | Un | Grêle (32) | Cernak (7) | 3ème | 19:28 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | PERBIX !!!! (2) | FR | | | 3ème | 19:34 ##Équipe des pénalités | Joueur | PIM | Infraction | Période | Temps | But marqué pendant le PP ? —-|—-|—-|—|—|—|—- COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | Manson | 2 | Tranchant | 1er | 17h47 | Pas de tuberculose [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Fleury | 2 | Interférence | 1er | 11h05 | Pas de COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | Rantanen | 2 | Tranchant | 2ème | 1:01 | Pas de tuberculose [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Cernak | 2 | Tranchant | 2ème | 15h14 | Pas de tuberculose [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Kuuuucherov | 2 | Interférence | 3ème | 1h40 | Oui :((( ##Tirs au but Équipe | 1 | 2 | 3 | Total —|—|—-|—-|—- COL [](/r/coloradoavalanche) | 11 | 11 | 8 | 30 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 15 | 8 | 16 | 39 #Date des prochains Jeux | Temps | Adversaire | Télé —-|—-|——–|– 17/02/24 | 17h00 | contre FLA [](/r/panthères de Floride) | DIM 19/02/24 | 19h00 | contre OTT [](/r/ottawasenators) | DIM 22/02/24 | 19h00 | contre WSH [](/r/capsules) | ESPN :((( 24/02/24 | 14h00 | @NYI [](/r/les new-yorkais) | DIM 25/02/24 | 13h00 | @ New Jersey [](/r/diables) | TNT :((( #Notes * Belle victoire des Bolts !!! Et Kuch obtient négligemment 3 points comme un boss * GO BOLTS !!!!



  1. aslightlyusedtissue

    Lightning are 3-0 when I get absolutely blasted on vodka redbulls

  2. MrSCR23

    We’ve played two of our best game b2b! Let’s see if we can keep it up Saturday!

  3. yelpisforsnitches

    Back to back wins against two cup favorites. Also, How is it possible that kuch seems to be getting somehow BETTER at hockey. Boys are heating up 👀

  4. HannTwistzz

    Am I wrong if I’m a bit sad that Kuchy didn’t get a hatty or at least an EN point. Also give him the assist

  5. SwagFondue

    the best player in the league and mackinnon was also there, how lovely

    also, no clue what sins we’re paying for with this officiating but it’s really fucking annoying

  6. GogreenGoWhite19

    Last time they played the Avs, I went through a “break up of sorts” with a huge Avs fan. The same week. It was really hard to lose that game. 3 months later I’m doing better and we fucking WIN!! Let’s goooo kuch!

  7. InkedInspector

    Beat Boston, in their barn, beat CO tonight, if the boys can handle business against Florida then I think we’re talking about the most impressive week of the season. Should get them on the top row for THG this week.

  8. Wayf4rer

    Luxmore doing absolutely everything in his power to gift golden boy Mackinnon the win and they STILL lost LMFAOOOOO. The league can eat shit, Kuch is the MVP and everyone knows it.

  9. CrestronwithTechron

    Man I love that new hockey sweater smell. That’s what happens when you play the full 60

  10. toolschism

    Kucherov missed that empty netter on purpose I’m convinced. Dude hates EN goals.

  11. Alchemiist7

    Great dub for the boys tn, let’s keep the momentum going vs FL!

  12. dolewhiplash

    I love Nikita Kucherov. I love the third jerseys. I love beating the Avs. What else can you ask for?

  13. BigBuddha15

    Two great wins in a row and Kuch outshined everyone. Good shit

  14. MonarchChonarch

    Oh fuck I think I’m gonna *Be The Thunder*

  15. rhodesleadnowhere

    I was impressed with our play tonight. Good game, guys, a well-earned win. Shaping up to be a solid season.

  16. TehFuriousOne

    It’s like if you’re not playing in your high altitude environment, you’re not such hot shit?

  17. Enough-Register5313

    Top 3 Game of the Year for me personally

    Tonight’s W, Vegas W just before Christmas, and Boston W near the end of November

  18. No-Willingness-5403

    That was a beautiful and well deserved win. That was playoff hockey *chefs kiss*

  19. LukeSkywalker1848

    Another statement win. Kuch>>>>>>>MacHomeIce. Go Bolts!!!

    Edit: oddly enough we seem to be in an opposite position to last year. This time after the all star break we were limping along. Now it seems we’re roaring again

  20. likeslululemon

    Great game. I liked that it was so tight and no blowouts (till the ENs)

  21. GeetarMan9

    New kit is a success. Glad I pulled the trigger and got one on the way. Sexy

  22. It’s ridiculous people thought we’d sit this guy for a year on purpose lol. Kucherov continues his disgusting rampage

  23. Titan-uranus

    Definitely going to order a Hagel third jersey

  24. Tbloctothorpe88

    « This game’s performance should give Kucherov the MVP »


    « Kuch’s All Star performance should lose him the MVP »

  25. dreamspeedmotorsport

    I’m not gonna lie, I got almost 2019 vibes from how this team played tonight— the intensity, speed, and the aggressive forechecking pressure was absolutely incredible. The offense was just flowing and operating with a ton of pressure. That game was so good, I started to like the jersey. 

  26. WelcometoCigarCity

    Lol Kuch @ that post game interview

  27. Throwaway_PA717

    Anyone else’s zappy parts extra ZAPPY?

  28. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    Just wanted to list some of the reffing decisions here:
    – MacKinnon Double Minor called off because of Cernak stick lift despite it being called 99.99% of the time since you have to “be aware of your stick”

    – Byram slingshotted off of Hagel by pulling on his jersey to score a goal (no holding call)

    – Ref held onto the whistle after Vasy save, despite puck not being visible for a few seconds, which led to a goal

    – Stamkos breakaway chance blown offsides, despite being onsides

    – Another offsides call that could’ve lead to a Kucherov Empty Net Hatty, when no Avs player touched the puck

    Not to mention other interference calls that they had and weren’t called. It’s just frustrating watching us play well for once, and then have games like this and the one vs. Boston be dictated by the officiating.

  29. big-daddio

    Somebody needs to put a giant DO NOT TOUCH sticker on the Hagel-Cirrelli-Ace line. That thing is pure fire and needs to not be disturbed.

  30. Pschanz808

    lmao Kuch’s interview. Man is a Russian Hockey сувояg

  31. HannTwistzz

    That Kuchy EN hatty would feed families

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