@Wild du Minnesota

#214. La pire saison sauvage du Minnesota de l’histoire ?

Sommes-nous en train de vivre la pire saison de l’histoire du Wild ? Ou du moins le pire depuis l’effondrement de l’ère Paul Fenton 2018-19 ? Le Wild du Minnesota continue de regarder la grande bataille difficile à laquelle il est confronté après la pause des étoiles tandis que Kirsten et moi essayons toujours de répondre à la grande question – et à la vôtre – cette équipe vaut-elle la peine d’être sauvée ? Comme toujours, nous sommes créés par de nouveaux studios de voix, présentés par sotastick, présentés par livea, royal credit union, jim Beam et grain Belt, c’est l’épisode 214 de la saison 5. ASSUREZ-VOUS D’AIMER, DE NOTER ET DE VOUS ABONNER ! Soutenez nos sponsors ! SotaStick : bit.ly/3avLkoc (utilisez le code « BARDOWNBEAUTIES » pour 15 % de réduction sur votre achat) Contrôle du poids vif : https://livea.com Grain Belt : https://www.grainbelt.com/ Royal Credit Union : https : //www.rcu.org/ Connectez-vous avec nous sur les réseaux sociaux ! Facebook : bit.ly/2KHQ3Zh Instagram : bit.ly/3phaAm7 Twitter : bit.ly/3avLN9W Et n’oubliez pas de nous consulter (ainsi que de nombreux autres excellents podcasts) sur notre réseau vedette ! Réseau de podcasts Talk North : bit.ly/3rpFuLl


  1. Isn't it great that Justin Bieber was the big story of the NHL All-Star game? I think getting celebrities involved intimately with pro sports is working wonders. People will never learn,

  2. Agreed that the NHL should include more celebrities. I’d suggest Will Ferrell for next year.

  3. Have to agree with Kirsten, get rid of that god awful green uniform. I do like the A's and C inside the Minnesota outline though. what do you think of a farm theme for the WPHL? Like the Deere, sunflowers, maybe wild oats?

  4. The NHL All Star draft is silly. It certainly should not have been done with players drafting other players.

  5. 4 nations tourney? Why? Should be: USA, Canada, Nordic countries, rest of Europe.

  6. Guerin should either just sit it out or hunt for young prospects at the trade deadline.

  7. The White Caps is better than the Superior. Minnesota SHOULD have kept the White Caps colors, but Toronto took those.

    I suggested before the PWHL season that the Minnesota team should be called the "Reign" … not the "Purple Reign." I had another one that was a pun, but I can't recall it now.

  8. I saw a THG video wearing a Fighting Saints jersey talking about the PWHL. He was saying that the jerseys have to be cool because they will cost the same as NHL ones. Bring back the Saints the Twins won't mind. My wife's idea is The Blue Ox, could be a cool jersey and interesting nickname.

  9. These fools didn't earn a vacation. What a joke. They'll come back drop 4/5 or something. Kirsten was right pitch the 78s. It was fun. I like the Monarchs for the PDub team.

  10. Jessie, I believe your the only hockey pundit, besides me that didn't have the
    Wild making the playoffs, my question to you, why does Hynes continue to play Merrill kosky, when there ranked
    393rd out of 406, we both know the wild aren't making the playoffs, so why don't they play Hunt and bring up the kids,,we have to see what we have
    Don't you think

  11. If I was Craig liepold, I would fire
    Billy and the whole coaching staff
    Including Iowa,, I would promote
    Judd Bracket,,and look at Ahl for a new Coach,, what would you do,,,?

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