@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Canucks viennent de prendre une revanche PARFAITE sur les Red Wings…

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont battu les Red Wings, deux buts d’Elias Lindholm, Nikita Zadorov frappe la grille sur Jake Wallman et Elias Pettersson a encore obtenu 2 passes décisives. Excellent match à domicile alors que les Canucks de Vancouver embarrassent Detroit lors du match revanche. Brock Boeser, Quinn Hughes et JT Miller ont également bien joué avec le gardien Thatcher Demko, fiers des garçons… nous affrontons les Jets de Winnipeg samedi! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. I'm from Winnipeg but live in BC many years and fan of Vancouver since the early Sedin era. Of course when Winnipeg got their Jets back I was elated – but now I'm between a rock and a hard place wanting both teams to succeed. My worst scenario is when they play each other – I'm so conflicted I often don't watch – it's like seeing your beloved children beat each other up

  2. Satisfying yes! But I think a win against Winnipeg would be even more so… the Jets always seem to have the Canucks' number, so I would like to see that change…

  3. I was actually musing to my dad how funny it would be if zaddy scored after the suspension and then THAT MF DID. was already giddy and then he added the griddy hooo boy MVP

  4. In Canada, we say Big Z ("Z" rhymes with Ed) American dialect pronounces Big Z ("z" rhymes with pee)

    Please pronounce Z in proper English

  5. I just wanna say, Zadorov's goal was probably the weakest goal I have ever seen lmfao. It looked like he was just trying to dump it in.

  6. You just know the corrupt league and refs are going to be doing everything in they're power to screw the Canucks in the playoffs, just like in 2011 and 1994. For the Canucks to ever with the cup they're going to have to beat both they're opponents and the officials.

  7. Canucks fans are truly delusional! Calm down you won a game against a team that beat you last time and now your acting like this game the Canucks won the Stanley cup lol! Put them up on the mantel with the rest of the cups the Canucks have won ,how may is that so far???

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