Je sais qu’il s’agit probablement d’un cadeau ou d’un événement promotionnel, mais je ne trouve même aucune autre liste en ligne qui utilise l’objectif Google ou des recherches descriptives. J’aimerais au moins savoir si ça vient d’une soirée promotionnelle ou quelque chose du genre. Je ne sais même pas comment j’en suis arrivé là, donc il n’y a pas d’historique sur lequel baser une recherche.
2008 ticket exchange Stanley cup ring promo is also where I’ve landed
I believe after the 96/97 season Little Caesars gave out “Stanley Cup Champion” rings as a promotion. You might consider search eBay.
The Detroit Tigers did this in 2007 after going to the World Series in 06. They gave out American League champs rings.
They handed this out to everyone at a game in the 08-09 season as a promotion. I have one somewhere as well.
I had this same ring. It was destroyed recently in a move, unfortunately. I can’t remember what game it was from but it was during the 2008-09 season given to the first however many people through the door.
Wear it with pride. You’ve aren’t it bruv.