@Jets de Winnipeg

Faits saillants de la LNH | Jets contre Canucks – 17 février 2024

Connor Hellebuyck a été éteint avec 35 arrêts et Gabriel Vilardi a réalisé une soirée de trois points alors que les Jets de Winnipeg ont dominé les Canucks de Vancouver 4-2. ————————————————— Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet+ – http://sportsnetplus.ca Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur les sports – http://www.sportsnet.ca Suivez Sportsnet sur Facebook – http : //sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Suivez Sportsnet sur Twitter – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Suivez Sportsnet sur Instagram – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Suivez Sportsnet sur TikTok – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTIKTOK Suivez Sportsnet sur Snapchat – http://tinyurl.com/SNsnap ————————————- ——— Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou un touché époustouflant. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ———————————————- #LNH 00 : 00:00 – 1ère période de régulation 00:01:45 – 2ème période de régulation 00:07:14 – 3ème période de régulation


  1. Just didn’t go our way, Jets dominated the 3rd. Bad bounces, going post to post on Demko twice! Jets played better defensively, whatever, nice tilt against another good team, GG Winnipeg. We will get you next time!

  2. The Canucks outshot & outplayed the Jets for the majority of the game, but Connor Hellebuyck showed once again why he is the best goalie in the NHL this season as he completely shutdown the Canucks from scoring any goals in the 3rd period… On a different note, Boeser looks completely lost out on the ice over the past few games…Speaking of lost, what has happened to the Canucks Powerplay over the last 6 games? Head coach Rick might want to address that before Vancouver heads out on the next road trip…Overall, tonight's game was entertaining, & very much had a playoff vibe to it…

  3. If the Canucks want to make a big playoff run, their top players have to step up in these big games. Yeah, they could use another top-6 forward, but when Myers and Juulsen are your leading/only scorers and your stars are nowhere to be found, that's a problem.

  4. Canucks fought well but their shortcomings got heavily exposed. The top lines absolutely sucked out there. The two goals came from unfancied defencemen in Myers and Juulsen. You know you were bad as a forward when your worst players in the team were the only ones who scored.

    Plus, Hellebuyck is a freak in goal. 35/37. That's a very impressive stat for him.

  5. First off the Canucks made to many errors that cost them easy goals, but honestly the penalty that led to the second goal for the jets was ridiculous! A hit to the head against the board and yet the Canucks get the game misconduct and an additional 2 minute penalty on top of the 5 min maj?

  6. Scrums, bad officiating calls aside…I'm concerned about the Canucks top six. Especially the special teams. PP1 unit is looking stale and with a 0/17 or 18 in the last seven games should alarm the coaching staff and need to try something new.

  7. What's Mikheyev's shooting percentage? Honestly, with all of the great chances he gets/creates, he can't score.

  8. What a game by both great teams! I will 100% say that scheif took a dive there 😂 but regardless both teams played amazing

  9. how does Lowery, who comes flying across the ice with BOTH elbow up directly hitting the head into the boards, warrant a game misconduct for Giuseppe for retaliation while Lowery receives just a fighting Major. can anyone please explain to me why this was the outcome on this play?

  10. Бросков много у Ванкувера а толку нет, игра в большинстве вообще какая-то унылая в последнее время.

  11. Watching Juulsen get his first ever goal as a Canuck just puts a smile on my face man. Honestly, he's one of the most underrated Canucks.

    Other than that, that was a fine game played, wished Canucks would've did a two goal comeback after the Jets scored twice in the third period. We will have payback against em' on March 9!

  12. Definitely the Canucks biggest problem is that they have trouble beating the top teams: Avalanche, Bruins, Jets.

  13. 8:22 … NHL caliber defenseman??? this is a training video clip on how to be invisible, ineffective, and f'in useless. I play with better Dmen in my beer league, and I'm not even joking

  14. This was just a great game played by both teams, can't wait for the rematch. Special teams was the difference tonight. The Canucks need to work on that PP it's costing us games now. Like what, 0-20 the past couple of games is just not acceptable. Hellebuyck showing us why he's so important to this Jets teams.

  15. Go Jets Go! This was a real good game. Scheifele, Connor and Vilardi came up big. And gotta love Lowry for handling business.

  16. This was a good game until the Canucks tried to physically run the Jets out of Rogers, and the Jets took advantage of stupid decisions. This one is on Tochett

  17. The Refs were absolute trash in this game boarding call on hoglander and elbowing from myers as well were such BS calls and the hold on garlund after he rocks the guy to the ice and guy just grabs his leg and doesn't let go

  18. There were missed calls over the ice. I don't know what Miller was thinking when he checked Scheifele when he didn't have the puck. One thing that I have to bring up is players throwing their heads back when a players stick or elbow doesn't come near their face. The league has to stop hockey turning into soccer. My suggestion is that for every penalty that is called on the ice where a player has obviously faked contact from an opponent to draw a penalty, such as the "elbow" on Pionk from Hooglander tonight, should get a 1 game suspension. This would have to be done after the game and the league could alert the team that the player has been found to have been faking the contact. Next transgression should be a 2 game suspension. Too many close games are being decided on the powerplay (not this one) where, when the replay is shown, you can clearly see that a stick or elbow hasn't even contacted the player. The league has to get a handle on this! (BTW, I looked at the replay of that "penalty" about a dozen times and he doesn't even get close to his face.)

  19. I don’t get this team. Obviously hard working, but what’s with the top forwards disappearing for multiple games In a row? We all knew Brock would slip from top goal scorer as the year went on, but he’s cut his production by probably more than half of what it was. Quinn has been goofing up often too, bad passing every now and then and not shooting.

  20. Great game! You gotta give it to those Jets though, they got a mean hustle and grit. This coming from on OIlers fan.

  21. We can't win big games against tough opponents. We still have a kitten mentality and afraid of top teams

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