@Canucks de Vancouver

Qu’est-ce qui motive certains d’entre vous à publier des trucs comme ça dans les GDT d’autres équipes ? 🥴🥴🥴

Que se passe-t-il ici, fille au choix ??



  1. SuperSwaiyen

    Main character syndrome looks bad on anyone.

  2. br0ckH4rd

    This shit makes me cringe especially when other people come in here and say the same vice versa

  3. connor_bedard

    I don’t think the jets and Canucks can meet in the finals…unless he means the conference finals

  4. HarveySpecter1970

    Why did u take out his name, deserves to be shamed for being that pathetic 😂

  5. electricnux

    Probably a good moment to say that also people continuously trolling in the Oilers sub are cringe

  6. g0kartmozart

    So embarrassing. For some reason there are way more Canucks fans who do this than other fanbases.

  7. slipperysoup

    Honestly posting on other subs is fine if you a) dont announce you are an opposing fan but just blend in b) stay positive and don’t troll

  8. ziggazang

    When we’re playing the jets, fuck the jets lol.

  9. Darkm1tch69

    So cringey. For shame whoever this is.

  10. Ok_Worry7833

    This is the equivalent of men claim their feminists with the intention of getting laid.

  11. tirius99

    Doesn’t speak for anyone but himself. If he took out the « Nucks here » it would have been fine.

  12. PCMasterCucks

    Dorks that want to be « classy »

    Just stfu

  13. MacaroonUnhappy6413

    The inferiority complex plaguing some Canucks fans is appalling – have some dignity ffs.

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