@Flyers de Philadelphie

Souvenirs : Lemieux revient après un traitement contre le cancer

Le 2 mars 1993, Mario Lemieux revient sur la glace après un traitement de six semaines pour un lymphome de Hodgkin, marquant son 40e but de la saison.


  1. Months before my buddy in Philly got us tix to this game not knowing it's significance. Flyer fans were a class act this game. Top 5 sporting event I've attended.

  2. I still don’t get why this isn’t one of the biggest stories in sports history. This man got diagnosed with cancer during the season, missed two months of play, then played the day of his last radiation treatment (and got two freaking points), and still finished the season with a 12 point lead in the scoring race. He really might have been better than Wayne.

  3. Had Mario not come out of retirement for those last 3 years, so that his kid could see him play, he would have ended his career averaging 2 points per game. That's insane. THE best EVER.

  4. He was more talented physically than Gretzky, but the fact that Wayne was able to accomplish all that he accomplished without being fast, having a great shot, or being strong was a testament to Wayne’s genius. Wayne was the smartest player who ever lived. Nobody could anticipate better than him.

  5. I am not much for being a sports fan, but what a great moment. Imagine all the children who were sick that Mario must have given hope/inspiration too by getting back on the ice so soon.

  6. I remember this well. I remember the Philly fans showing a lot of class.

  7. After seeing Lindbloom’s scan came back negative I had to come watch this real quick

  8. 51 points in his last 16 games that season after coming back from cancer treatments.
    He was 12 points behind LaFontaine in scoring when he came back, and after 16 games, he was 12 points ahead of him. LaFontaine hadn't slowed down either in his career year 148 point season..
    Just totally insane!.. but that was Mario. Everything amazed you but nothing shocked you.

  9. He had 69 goals and 91 assists (160 points) in 60 games that season to win the scoring title. It’s hard to wrap your brain around that.

  10. Mario Lemieux scored in his 1st NHL game. Mario Lemieux scored in his 1st game back from cancer. Mario Lemieux scored in his first game after being retired for 3 years. Do you know how insane that is? I'm sorry but there really is no debate in terms of best ever. Gretzky averaged 1.91 ppg in his career. Lemieux 1.88. Lemieux also played half a season with cancer and seasons with a back so bad the trainer had to tie his skates. And still with all that he produced at Gretzky's clip and was the better goal scorer. Gretzky has the numbers but Lemieux is easily the better player.

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