@Predators de Nashville

Jordan Binnington de St. Louis a été condamné à une amende de 5 000 $, le maximum autorisé en vertu de la convention collective, pour avoir élevé Luke Evangelista de Nashville.

Jordan Binnington de St. Louis a été condamné à une amende de 5 000 $, le maximum autorisé en vertu de la convention collective, pour avoir élevé Luke Evangelista de Nashville.



  1. Deveranmar1

    Tbh I’m actually surprised, I didn’t expect anything past the penalty. All the blues fans trying to justify Binnington tho are ridiculous. I see goalies tap posts all the time. But never with nearly two foot of stick out at chest to head height on the side you know players are coming from

  2. troopek

    I have to say there is only a handful of players in the league I absolutely loathe. Binnington is one.

  3. Alteredecho07

    You know, I hate the blues and despise Bennington.

    But, I think he was just trying to get in Luke’s way to agitate him moreso than intentially highstick him. Luke is Luke sized and he caught him on the noggin. This reeks of one of those « imma be a shit because I’m a shit » moments where the end result was further than the intention. His face read « oh damn, well, I did that shit I guess » and I’m told he apologized to Luke. He still a bastard and I hate him, but I don’t think he was trying to take anyone’s head off

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