@Ducks d'Anaheim

Défier les probabilités

Défier les pronostics et croire était le message avant le match des Maple Leafs pour les Ducks, alors que l’entraîneur des gardiens des Ducks Sudarshan Maharaj a surpris l’équipe à Toronto alors qu’il continue de lutter contre le cancer du pancréas. C’était vraiment un message inspirant de Sudsie. Il défie les pronostics, mais pas les Ducks… Je récapitule le match Anaheim Ducks contre Toronto Maple Leafs dans cette vidéo ! Vidéo Sudsie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcnIiJvQIY8 Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez vu, assurez-vous d’appuyer sur ce bouton d’abonnement ! ✅Suivez nos réseaux sociaux, rejoignez notre Discord, achetez des produits et pensez à faire un don ! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 🔗https://linktr.ee/duckmylife *Clause de non-responsabilité relative aux droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages d’actualité, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. I don’t think Cronin is the problem. We are a rebuilding team , we’ve had an injury season, and we have people like Zelweger and Cutter coming in, along with another top 5 pick ( hoping for Ivan demidov). Next year Leo will be more established and we are going to be a lot better down the middle. The maple leafs are absolutely stacked too so I’m not surprised

  2. Watching the game last night one thing was clear.  Watching the Leafs, it was like listening to a symphony on offense.  Lot's of movement.  Players moving and filling open spaces.  Anticipation between players.  Then watching the Ducks, it was like listening to chop sticks on the piano.  Very little movement.  Set positions.  No creativity. 

    It was similar on defense.  Leafs were pressuring constantly, by moving their feet, closing gaps.  Where the Ducks were chasing, reacting to the play instead of anticipating it.  How in professional hockey, can you let Nylander using a golf analogy, tee up the puck, take 5 practice swings, and let him do the Sergio Garcia address waggle, and shoot without a player getting within 5 feet of him in the slot? 

    Player for player, talent wise, we are not that much different than the Leafs.  But while they have symphony conductors leading them, we have elementary music teachers leading us.  We need an immediate change, because games like Montreal and Toronto is not going to do any good to the "development" of our players.  This is the NHL, not some developmental league.

  3. Can’t believe they listened to that incredible speech and then went out and performed the way they did 😐

  4. How did this team mess up when we had Montour, Manson, Lindholm, Theodore. What exactly did we get for them?

  5. Just play all the kids out there and forgot all these old guys like Kilorn, Silverberg, Herik. All in youth movement. Fowler too.

  6. I think Cronin must get this team better prepared, because from what I see in the games and the practices you broadcast there are MAJOR coaching issues. This team practices at 75% speed and the drills are not that relatable to games, so they are not working on game time speed timing, pursuit, competing, getting in front of the net….the practices look like a hockey camp not an NHL mid-season practices. I can contrast them to the Bruce Boudreau practices where he had them doing beautiful break in/break out drills at game speed with terrific flow.
    I get the team won't win when you have to play Silfverberg on the PP, but it is deeper than a mediocre top 6 and weak bottom 5 (I am not going to call Carrick a weak link). The team does not execute at an NHL level. We can post forever about the return of the passive Eakins defensive play that leaves us forever pursuing puck carriers and getting penalties. Its not hard to change to 2 men on the puck. It is a start with the next line call. Forchecking schemes, back checking, defensive zone coverage can all be changed as needed.
    Cronin says 100% the right things, but wow either he is terrible or his staff is terrible or both. This team should be better than last year, and right now after a promising 2 weeks they look the same.

  7. Just to let you guys know max Domi is 5’9 so Gudas took him on but when he had a chance at a fair matchup against reaves he was to scared to fight him

  8. You left out Gudas doing the turtle when Reaves started pushing him around. Picks a fight with Domi and then spends the rest of the game avoiding Reaves. Oh and he was on the ice for five 5 on 5 goals against …the most in his career. I'd say it wasn't a good night for him even after winning a wrestling match with 5'9 Domi.

  9. I am a leafs fan but I hope your goalie coach beats cancer and kudos to him for fighting through it so far. Happier days ahead hopefully for everyone involved.

  10. Tbh they would fire brown after the season they are scared they won’t get another special teams coach but they know he is bad and they most likely would trade him just a matter of time

  11. Gudas didn’t dominate anyone in a fight. Gudas is a rat that doesn’t stick up for his teammates or fight other enforcers. I’d love to see the ducks do well, but when Papi triple dips its game over

  12. Yeah they need to know that they will always be agisnt the odds. But they need to lose one more year best odds for a first pick

  13. The lack of discipline is because these guys are young but damn when will they stop committing so many penalties. Blackhawks are gonna start winning and sharks will win too they just need to lose

  14. no one talked about the Domi Gudas fight because Gudas ducked Reaves like 4 times and only wanted to go after the rookie and the smallest guy on the team. Also on your refs comment the leafs are bottom 5 in the league for powerplays and have been for about 20 years. the "no name" goalie did alright, sure he let in 4 goals but all 4 were perfect shots that no1 is stopping. Hopefully your goal coach gets better,.

  15. i dont think that was a goalie interference.. the goaltender is so far out and its him to moved into Strome..

  16. This team has so much less skill than 95% of the other teams in the league it's legitimately hard to watch, especially since for some reason Cronin's system is man on man despite this fact. And we're still a bottom 3 team in 5v5 except now we're taking a ton more penalties to boot because this team is too slow and terrible to play his system resulting in tons of hooks, trips, etc. Dunno, this team has the same amount of points as last year at this time and although there's some improvement there really isn't as much as you'd like when we've been just unwatchably bad for years already and have been acquiring picks for so long. I think I'll give Verbeek and co another year since a lot of old guys are coming off the books and some should be traded this deadline but next year I'll bring out the brown bags and fire x signs.

  17. I'm a Leafs fan and I would just like to say that the refs in Toronto are always absolute shit. They hate us too. I was one of the fans annoyed at the "No name goalie" comment and I felt bad for Dostal and Gibson last night. I like Anaheim and am looking forward to you guys sorting out your coaching so that those amazing young players you have can really start showing off their stuff.

    You guys will turn it around soon enough, the Leafs were shit too not that long ago.

  18. I’m still surprised if Pat is still the GM after this fiasco of a team and we need to stop saying that he’s doing a great job because he’s not. Apparently you can see it on the ice.

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