@Ducks d'Anaheim

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/anaheimducks pour la semaine du 12 au 18 février 2024

**Lundi 12 février – dimanche 18 février 2024** ###Top vidéos | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 71 | [6 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1atc0ax/anaheim_ducks_surprised_by_goalie_coach_sudarshan/) | [Anaheim Ducks Surprised by Goalie Coach Sudarshan Maharaj in the Midst of Pancreatic Cancer Fight.](https://youtu.be/KcnIiJvQIY8?si=pbYtJc8pwPx7lG-p)|   ###Commentaires sur le fil de discussion du jeu | note | commentaire | |–|–| | 50 | /u/Jcoch27 a dit [https://preview.redd.it/pm6zab893vic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6079a74f080359d853b4e89c25243d3eefdf60](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1arxnmf/post_game_thread_february_15_2024_anaheim_at/kqmsayg/?context=5) | | 49 | /u/meatboitantan a dit [Sudsy gives them a speech about perseverance and the Ducks give him this to watch. Nice, guys!](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1atjk8b/post_game_thread_february_17_2024_anaheim_at/kqxq7jn/?context=5) | | 45 | /u/SpiritExtra5048 a dit [probably one of the worst games if not the worst game i’ve seen us play this season](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aqc2ay/post_game_thread_february_13_2024_anaheim_at/kqbx7m2/?context=5) | | 33 | /u/SpiritExtra5048 a dit [i feel like i’m owed compensation for watching](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1atjk8b/post_game_thread_february_17_2024_anaheim_at/kqxq39j/?context=5) | | 32 | /u/DrexlSpivey420 a dit [Apparently Ducks fans in Ottawa are fucking awesome](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1arxnmf/post_game_thread_february_15_2024_anaheim_at/kqmqxep/?context=5) | | 30 | /u/Existing_Departure82 a dit [Love winning, remember when we were 9-7? Have we doubled our win total yet since then? There’s so much to love about this team and its potential, nights like tonight are just glimpses.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1arxnmf/post_game_thread_february_15_2024_anaheim_at/kqmqnl1/?context=5) | | 28 | /u/duckdaddydrew a dit [Can we just fast forward like 3 years to when hockey will be fun again?](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aqc2ay/post_game_thread_february_13_2024_anaheim_at/kqbx71o/?context=5) | | 28 | /u/micohnedich a dit [Ducks really excel at giving other teams their firsts of the season/NHL careers.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aqc2ay/post_game_thread_february_13_2024_anaheim_at/kqbx9w6/?context=5) | | 27 | /u/Packsix a dit [![gif](giphy|x47gj23jEvGxdWkQEC|downsized)](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aq7qd2/game_thread_ducks_canadiens/kqblewk/?context=5) | | 24 | /u/TheMasonEffect a dit [Only consolation is the kings are losing 0-7](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aq7qd2/game_thread_ducks_canadiens/kqbuj6i/?context=5) |   ###Messages restants | note | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 257 | [20 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1arwmxf/repping_the_ducks_in_alberta/) | Représenter les canards en Alberta !| | 96 | [12 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aqfjk3/new_jersey_day/) | Journée du New Jersey :)| | 86 | [17 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1asf96f/another_ducks_x_vans_tease/) | [Another Ducks x Vans Tease](https://x.com/anaheimducks/status/1758552179961438496?s=46&t=F0bWWxjC39kHvavmNVUrLQ)| | 74 | [15 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1atdxat/got_this_bad_boy_off_ebay/) | J’ai retiré ce mauvais garçon d’eBay | | 64 | [5 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1ap4f9p/looking_for_some_meme_valentines_day_card_ideas/) | [looking for some meme valentine’s day card ideas](https://i.redd.it/wyy01k8eo6ic1.jpeg)| | 45 | [52 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1au18dn/just_got_shadow_banned_in_nhl/) | Je viens de me faire bannir de Shadow dans /NHL| | 42 | [35 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1aq96rg/i_have_heard_rumours_of_a_uniform_change/) | J’ai entendu des rumeurs d’un changement d’uniforme| | 42 | [4 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1au8jxo/got_this_from_goodwill_today/) | [Got this from goodwill today ](https://i.redd.it/a3y4btu8jfjc1.jpeg)| | 41 | [8 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1asd0ex/got_a_nice_tip_at_work/) | [Got a nice tip at work](https://i.redd.it/kevgx50l6zic1.jpeg)| | 37 | [18 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/1arptgh/ocvibe_announces_5_year_live_event_partnership/) | [OCVIBE Announces 5 year live event partnership with UFC and WWE](https://www.ufc.com/news/ocvibe-announces-five-year-live-event-partnership-ufc-and-wwe) |  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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