@Flames de Calgary

Ces échanges simulés commencent à devenir ridicules 💀

Ces échanges simulés commencent à devenir ridicules 💀



  1. snowboard506

    I agree, fan bases are guilty of overvaluing their own prospects.

  2. Egmilano

    They wish…..I woke up to a random Sabres sub reddit where all they did was shit on their team and proudly agree they deserve to be booed and that positive chants don’t actually help players. Like wtf world do those fans live in ? Have they never played any sports.

  3. noor1717

    Man what’s up with these rasmus trades. Hannifin is the guy who is going. If ras is traded it will only be if he wants out and that would be an offseason move


    The only thing worse that fan-made mock trades is people who shine a spotlight on them.

    Let idiots in other subs have their fun, but don’t pollute our sub with their nonsense.

  5. Extra-Sherbert7752

    That one is ridiculous for both Ras and Marky. For one? *Maybe*.

  6. Chemical_Signal2753

    I periodically browse the Cap Friendly trade machine. About 75% of the trade proposals are comically bad, 20% don’t make sense for one or more trade partners, and the last 5% are realistic.

    I think most people have played too many videogames, and think a large enough bundle of crap can land any player. 

    The trade deadline is a seller’s market. After the Stanley Cup is awarded, the vast majority of trades will look pretty bad from the buyers perspective. Using the Lindholm trade as an example, if Vancouver gets eliminated in the first round and Lindholm walks in free agency the trade would be pretty terrible. 

    To understand what Lindholm and Tanev will cost, consider what a team would regret giving up for these players if they’re swept in the first round. 

  7. appledatsyuk

    Instead of those shitty picks they should 2 first rounders. Markstrom and Anderson are studs. Levi is a bust rn oloffson is close to going back to Sweden and savioe is the only decent piece here as an 8th overall pick.

  8. Capable_Rub_4696

    As a Canucks fan living in Calgary, can confirm Rasmus is wildly underrated

  9. Paulhockey77

    I don’t think andersson gets traded.

  10. dragonyears

    Seriously, I love the guys at flames Nation but I’m so sick of them rehashing the same garbage every single day about potential trades and rumors etc.
    It’s like CNN trying to come up with newsworthy garbage just to fill time…

    Talk to me when it’s a done deal

  11. KrolWorld

    I know there sentimental value for Anderson but this is genuinely a crazy good haul for him

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