@Panthers de la Floride

Yanni Gourde

Gourde a une expérience de victoire de la Coupe Stanley, ce qui, je pense, pourrait l’aider à long terme. Il a été connu comme étant l’embrayage en séries éliminatoires lorsqu’il était avec les boulons, donc il connaît bien la Floride. Il ne compte pas beaucoup de buts supplémentaires, mais il a tendance à marquer des buts décisifs en séries éliminatoires. Joue dur, bon centre de profondeur et bon gars de mise en jeu avec un ratio victoire/défaite d’environ 50 % pour cette année sur un Kraken en chute libre. Les statistiques ont tendance à augmenter lorsque vous jouez pour une meilleure équipe, donc avec de meilleurs ailiers, il pourrait gagner plus de mises en jeu avec leur aide et peut-être même figurer sur la feuille de pointage plus souvent. Nous sommes en train de rouler en ce moment, donc il semble que nous n’ayons pas besoin de marquer davantage, mais il y a des hauts et des bas au cours de la saison, comme nous le savons tous, alors qui sait si les scores se tarissent un peu avant les séries éliminatoires. J’en doute car il semble que nous ayons atteint notre rythme au cours de ces 2 derniers mois, mais en même temps, les séries éliminatoires sont dans 2 mois. Laissez-moi savoir ce que vous pensez



  1. iloveblondehair

    He has 2 years left at 5 million

  2. grizzlby

    Wow, I had no idea Yanni was 32 already!

    I agree that he fits the current Panthers playing style as well as anybody could, but that’s a lot of money at $5mil/year. I also have no understanding of Seattle’s current needs or team trajectory on if anything the Cats have to offer would entice them to retain salary. If he were free to take? Hell yeah. As a hockey deal? Probably not. Zito is going to have a hard enough time making the UFA contracts work next offseason as it is now.

  3. Emotional_Match8169

    I may be alone in this, but I feel like the guys we have are just what we need. I don’t really see a need for anythinge extra. If anything these last few games have really shown that we have plenty of goal scorers on various lines. We are vibin’ and I always say don’t fix what isn’t broken. We are, by far, stronger than last year and look where we ended up.

    But I am also just a fan and may not know all the intricacies of bulding the right squad.

  4. cannedsmarties

    Personally I just don’t think we need anything that could improve the team at the moment, we are the best team in the league right now (2nd overall I know but I think we are definitely playing the best hockey) and really don’t think we need to mess with something good for a rental at best.

  5. starwestsky

    Absolutely, but not for 5 mil and I wouldn’t give up anything north of Cousins or Mahura for him.

  6. MarmeladovsBottle

    It’s always flashy to buy at the deadline. Buts it’s not always the smartest move. Look at 2 years ago and last year. I think Gourde would be great but his contract is a little too much.

  7. Imaginary-Scheme-203

    I don’t think we can accommodate 5 mill. No way

  8. Link_Save_Hyrule

    Nah. Trades at the deadline sound sexy and all until a couple years later you’re missing draft picks and prospects. I liked Giroux in a Panthers uniform, it looked better than those awful Flyers jerseys, but that was a first rounder (maybe other picks too?) and Tippett going the other way. Not saying Tippett is best player ever, but lost him to that trade. No cup that year and Giroux signed with Ottawa in offseason. Yanni is 32, 3rd line center, and 5 mil on the hook until 2025. No thanks. Even if they retain part of his salary they’ll want picks and prospects I’d rather keep those than get Yanni.

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