@Jets de Winnipeg

Jets @ Flammes 2/19 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2024

Faits saillants prolongés des Jets de Winnipeg contre les Flames de Calgary 00:00 1ère période 04:52 2e période 07:17 3e période


  1. Calgary gives MTL a 1st to take Monahan, WPG gives a 1st to MTL for Monahan, Monahan lights up Calgary w/ first period Hatty. Hero arc complete.

  2. I like how scheifele just stands in one spot all game. He's on the top line and had 0 goals 0 assists and 0 shots on goal. Must have been alot of money bet on him

  3. When Calgary want to play, boy they definitely can. Puzzled, with how good a team they have, yet they are where they are. The Pacific is a far tighter league now with Vancouver improving, moreover, Seattle and the Kings upping their games. Its clear Calgary are a better team than both SEA and LA, offensively. Yet, I am stating the obvious here, its defensively where the issues are. Sort that out, and wowsers, thats a team. No, I am not a Flames fan, but respect where it's due, they play really attacking hockey.

  4. I said it when the jets lost to the pathetic. Last place. Blackhawks earlier in the year and I'll say it again now, They blow!

  5. If you think about it, Calgary should be more up in the standings. But they're not. It's almost the same team that won the west like two years ago. Or at least they won their division. It wasn't just johnny and Tkachuk and Monahan. It was a team effort. But what the hell hey ? Just not winning as much. Stars almost beat them in round one it took seven games and an overtime goal. Maybe that's what bugging them still hah that they didn't just steam roll that series. Dallas is almost the same team as two years ago. Yet they're too of their division

  6. Love the way Kadri played this game. If he could fo that every night, Calgary would be set!

  7. Great game. Again, Calgary's squad does not have top talents, but they have determination and hard work. Great goaltending by Markstrom. Go Flames Go!

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