@Blues de Saint-Louis

Maple Leafs contre St Louis Blues EN DIRECT APRÈS LE MATCH | Jeu 54 RÉACTION

Zack Phillips passe en direct pour réagir au match 54 de la saison régulière 2023/2024 des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre Colton Parayko, Robert Thomas, Jordan Kyrou et les Blues de St Louis #leafsforever #leafsnation #leafs Third Man In est une TOUTE NOUVELLE chaîne YouTube couvrant principalement les Maple Leafs de Toronto, mais aussi dans le monde du hockey ! Avec des diffusions en direct d’après-match, des réactions aux actualités, des rapports sur les blessures, des rumeurs commerciales et bien plus encore, Zack dévoilera les plus grandes actualités de la LNH. Zack est actuellement producteur chez The Hammer Betting Network et animateur de Edge Work, une émission quotidienne de paris sur la LNH. Pour ceux qui sont nouveaux, Zack était autrefois l’hôte de Leafs Digest. Suivez Zack sur Twitter – https://twitter.com/zackphill Assurez-vous de vous abonner à Third Man In et d’activer les notifications pour ne jamais manquer une nouvelle vidéo ou une diffusion en direct ici sur la chaîne ! ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7D05kl_26h-_2WAPTO-6aw Pour des analyses, des opinions et des réactions honnêtes de vrais fans des Maple Leafs de Toronto, Third Man In est le meilleur endroit où aller pour TOUS vos besoins des Maple Leafs. ! ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- #nhl #nhlrumours #nhlrumors #nhlpredictions #nhlpredictionstoday #nhlprediction #nhlgames #mapleleafs #toronto #leafs #leafsforever #leafsnation #austonmatthews #mitchmarner #leafsgame # hockey #hockeycoaches #hockeylovers #hockeylover #matthewknies #ncaa #ncaahockey #ncaahighlights #minnesota #minnesotagoldengophers #goldengophers #winnipeg #winnipegjets #connorhellebuyck #bradtreliving #kyledubas #brendanshanahan #arizona #arizonacoyotes #nhlnetwork #mitchmarner #tsnews #tsn #Jeff Oneill #JakeMuzzin # MattMurray #LeafsTrainingCamp #DavidAlter #ElliottFriedman #WilliamNylander #SheldonKeefe #FraserMinten #Minnesota #minnesotawild #florida #floridapanthers #buffalo #buffalosabres


  1. Just good to see Sammy playing well again. Hope he keeps it up & Leafs hold onto their 3rd Divisional or Wildcard spot.

    Guys like Laine & Sammy need support when NHL & other hard times impact their well being & health. If Sammy holds out by keeping this up – Leafs fans & followers get to see some pretty good goaltending.😀Every team needs that.

  2. I hear the Toronto Maple Leafs have filed a request to Gary Bettman to extend the Morgan Rielly suspension to 10 games. They are 4-0 since his departure. 🤣🤣

  3. Leafs are not in a strong position to make moves for playoffs. Cups cannot be bought. 16 teams make the playoffs and all 16 teams have what it takes to win a cup. It takes team buy in, a hot goaltender, good bounces, a little luck on the injury front, and it takes those things lining up at just the right time. It is almost just as rare for the favorites to win as it is for 8th seed teams to win.
    Once you get to the dance you need to be the better team against 4 other teams consecutively. Not the best of the 16 but the best of the 4 teams you face.
    This have to go all in narrative needs a hint of chill. Cupboards are almost completely bare. This cap era doesn't allow you to buy your way forward so if you don't keep driving assets into your prospect pool you will inevitably land yourself on the way to the basement.
    Our best chance to eventually win a cup is tickets to the dance. Dumping all your assets WILL eventually land you in a rebuild mode, loading up with a Tanev/Hanafin MIGHT do absolutely nothing for you.
    Last years deals got us one round, which could have happened without those deals, and had a very heavy cost in the years to come.

  4. Bert should've slapped it in the empty net and watch his stick break. That's the season Bert is having.

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