@Sabres de Buffalo

Les joueurs d’Okposo + Sabres déshonorent les fans

Les joueurs des Sabres ont apparemment cessé de saluer leurs fans après leurs victoires pour défendre leur entraîneur-chef, Don Granato. Sneaky Joe est chaud et dérangé par l’idée que les joueurs des Sabres manqueraient de respect aux fans qui ont enduré une sécheresse de 13 ans en séries éliminatoires de cette manière, en particulier le leader de ces joueurs, Kyle Okposo. D’autant plus qu’Okposo existe depuis huit des 13 années. De plus, comment les Sabres ont-ils perdu contre les Ducks, malgré le triplement de leur nombre de tentatives de tir ? Suivez et abonnez-vous sur toutes les plateformes de podcast… 🎧 https://link.chtbl.com/LOSabres?sid=YouTube Verrouillé sur toute la ligue de la LNH : chaque équipe, fantasy, espoirs et plus 🎧 https://linktr.ee/LockedOnNHL Follow sur Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/SneakyJoeSports https://mobile.twitter.com/JRHansgen Suivez l’émission sur Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/LockedOnSabres #NHL #Sabres #BuffaloSabres


  1. Trade Krebs And Thompson Both have being traded to the Sabres because of Poor talent poor ceiling we got fleeced Entire NHL GM give the Sabres scrubs scoring finesse is a skill we don't posess

  2. They expect us to celebrate mediocrity, when we haven’t seen the playoffs in 13 years. They act like we care about mediocrity, no fucking play better. Learn to keep us in the building


  4. This organization lost games on purpose in 2015 for McDavid. That’s 9 years ago. We don’t want to hear about youth, injuries, bad puck luck, or whether or not the players feelings are hurt. Just win. And if the Adams/Granato duo can’t get it done, show them the door like any competent organization would do. Enough already.

  5. I don’t like when granato says “we didn’t put the ducks away” we screwed ourselves defensively, we gave away these ridiculous high danger chances off of stupid turnovers

  6. Tuch just plain sucked in this game. I hope they trade him. These idiots aren't doing much to save their coach. Knuckleheads.

  7. I haven't seen them win at home like the last 8 games I went to…. Not like I was seeing salutes anyways

  8. Kyle Okposo.
    Next year's President of Hockey Operations.
    Book it.
    The kids love you, Uncle Donald.
    They cant live without you.
    Dont leave us!!

  9. Wouldn’t a better way to support Granato be showing up every game ready to compete. Once again these players take the easy way out.

  10. Every business has a boss who signs the huge checks. If Pegula wanted the players to salute the fans they'd have to do it every home game. Blame the owner for the chaos.

  11. Sell this bullcrap team … owners don't care , management doesn't care , players don't care … Buffalo doesn't deserve this crap

  12. This disorganization has been a dumpster fire since Scotty Bowman was the GM. Nice to see all the kids there learning why their parents don't want to buy them jerseys

  13. Okposo works hard for an older player. But as I've said before many times (and here I go again): The Buffalo Sabres haven't had any REAL leadership since Miller and Ott were traded. Young goaltending aside, I think that's 70% of the problem with their inconsistent play.

  14. Spot on. And the captain should have been doing so much more in regards to compete, etc. Coach Donny has had to not only coach but try and do the job of a Captain.

  15. I’ve got tickets for Wednesday’s game in Montreal. If they don’t call up Levi, I will probably sell the seats. I guess I have to decide on Tuesday.

  16. 100% agree with you Joe on the Sabres not saluting the fans and that the team needs new leadership, Dahlin or Tuch as the new Captain in sept. Bye bye Okposso & Girgenson .
    Krebs as the 3rd line centre with Peterka and Benson . Is this a tryout for Krebs as the Sabres new 3rd line centre next season ( benson & kullich as his wingers) that is , is a Middelstadt trade coming soon ? Deadline trade possibily but more likely in the summer. Id be good with this as long as Middelstadt is traded for a viable top 4 D man to partner Owen Power and not draft picks and prospects.
    Lastly leave Levi in Rochester for the rest of the season . Start Comrie in the back to back games or play UPL in both sets but leave Levi in Rochester to work on his game and confidence and experience the AHL playoffs . If Levi has good stats in Rochester then go with UPL and Levi next season in goal. If not sign a veteran to partner UPL and leave Levi in Rochester as remember Ryan Miller spent 2 seasons in Rochester after leaving the NCAA. But im pretty confident in a Levi & UPL tandem next season .

  17. This pathetic organization doesn't deserve any support from the fans. That's what they've cultivated, thats what they've earned. Immature, selfish, overpaid jerkoffs. Seethe Sabres. Boo freakin' hoo. 😭

  18. Okposo, gergenson should not have been signed, A cpt should be a core member of this team. We don't have a strong f/o player Floters should get their minutes shortend Moral is low? What does Tuch thing of his linmates getting paid lot more then him.

  19. The short answer? The fans need to stop attending home games. If that doesn't get the players' attention, then nothing will. Sure, they have a lot of young players, but the veterans they do have are either too old, too talentless, not leaders, not mentors or to an even greater degree…just aren't on this team. Where are the 28-32 y/o grizzled veterans who lead by example, who go out and put it on the line every game, the consistent 15-20-25 goal per year scorers who have a burning desire to still win. That hit. That grind in the corners. That go consistently to the front of the net to get the greasy goals. Players like that…well, they're not around. They're not on this team.

  20. As for Levi, keep him in Rochester. Keep him on a winning team fighting for a playoff spot and hopefully making a long playoff run. Keep him away from what seems to be an increasingly toxic locker room with its assortment of weak links, frustrated stars (ok, I guess that just means Dahlin), and those with bad attitudes and let him ripen a safe distance away from KBC. Look, when the best forward on your team would be only a good to very good 3rd line center on the better teams in the league (I'm looking at you Mittsie) you know you're in a pickle.

  21. Definition of insanity- doing the same thing expectation of different results. Our organization is in total TURMOIL THE CULTURE IS SHOT AGAIN. Keep your fucken letter to the fans Kyle !!!

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