@Ligue nationale de hockey

Mise à jour sur le fan plus âgé des Leafs dont le chapeau a été jeté par un perdant

Mise à jour sur le fan plus âgé des Leafs dont le chapeau a été jeté par un perdant



  1. Hopefully that dickhead got banned for life.

  2. SeoulPower88

    I was at a game where a hat trick happened and I took my hat off and held it for this specific reason. I wasn’t going to let some asshole take something that cost $30+ at the time and throw it on the ice and not get it back.

    When I saw the video, I was so disgusted. Happy he was able to get that back because I would have completely lost it on that guy if that was me.

  3. TmanWPB

    That was some BS for sure. Don’t touch what isn’t yours. #wewantflorida #floridapanthers

  4. Kevinwithak

    Season ticket holder from the 80s how many hat tricks have you seen? I’m not agreeing with the idiot who threw the hat off the guys head but wearing 4,000 dollar hat while you are in your 1,000-dollar seats does not help the perception of the snobby Leafs fans’ base

  5. Ontoshocktrooper

    The title of the previous post was on point! Manchild is right!

  6. buktee123

    Leaf legend Kurtis from Alberta! Mount Rushmore of Leaf superfans that lives in small-town Alberta. Legend

  7. foxphace

    Glad to hear he got it back. Good on the arena staff for helping

  8. greatvike

    What is this a leafs sub who the eff cares

  9. Jeez-essFC

    Not making excuses, but did the hat thrower seem developmentally disabled? It was hard to tell from a short video, but it did seem like the classic, « Let’s get so and so to do it because he will do anything we tell him to. »

    I could be way off base. Only watched it a couple of times, but the physical mannerisms did make me take notice.

  10. gravyontits

    I hope the Leafs make him a kick ass custom fedora anyways

  11. NeighborhoodTime8829

    Nice. I’m glad he got it back

  12. Mrtowelie69

    That guy looked like he was disabled….are we sure that he was not?

  13. Here’s to hoping that fat fuck is ashamed enough of what he did he stays out for good if he wasn’t already banned. Absolute trash bag doing that shit, especially to an older person that’s not gonna turn and swing. It’d be one thing if he picked on a guy who’d be able to turn and smack the diabetes out of him as would be right, but to be that much of a dick to an older person is kin to doing it to a kid.

  14. Aackland

    I’m glad to hear buddy got his hat back and that he’s well. as for the guy who threw his hat, don’t bother coming back. 🖕🏻

  15. Puppaloes

    Bet the people who sit behind him love the fedoras.

  16. hammertown87

    I don’t know if the guy is a season ticket holder ($$$$$$) for the last 30+ years ($$$$$$$$$$$) and gets butt hurt over a hat ($) he shouldn’t put so much value in consumer goods.

    Imo he’s a jerk for NOT throwing a hat. He knows how games work and while of course it isn’t mandatory to throw a hat during a hat trick, neither is holding the door for a person or returning a cart, it’s just what you do.

  17. ApprehensiveChair460

    The fact that stupid fuck who did it and was chastised by those around him makes it ohhhh soooo ever more wholesome

  18. SpezEatsScat

    I want to start by saying that I’m glad he got his hat back. What that slob behind him did was rude and uncalled for and he got off light.

    That being said, am I the only one that thinks it’s a poor choice of hat for a sporting event or event in general? They’re obnoxious. Sometimes you have to peer between two heads to catch the game or some action down low and his fedora is an obstruction of the view. I went to a concert last year and the woman in front of me had the biggest, curliest perm in THE WORLD! I couldn’t see over it, through it, beyond it. She may have been Repunzel! Don’t know, didn’t ask her but it was frustrating as fuck. What am I to do? “Hey lady, can you go chop some of your locks off for me?” Lol that’s obviously absurd and hair is much different from a hat but my point is, maybe be mindful of the hat you’re wearing so you don’t block others. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    I also don’t know the full context of why it happened so don’t come at me about it. I’m on old man’s side. I just think his hat choice sucks.

  19. Objective_Dog7501

    Wonder why people hate the leafs and their fans so much! Source- the guy that took and threw his hat.

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