@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Le lendemain : discussion sur les Oilers 6 Coyotes 3

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  1. 'I'm curious what you guys think' or 'I'm curious what your thoughts are' . NOT 'I'm curious what your guys's thoughts are'. Please, for the love of language, no more 'your guys's'. 😅
    Also, a 6-3 third period comeback win against this Coyotes team is nothing to get excited about. Again, Oilers showing NO HINT that they will have any playoff success. This should have been a 7-1 blowout.

  2. continuous inconsistent play is largely from the team's interest. They rarely play full 60 minute games and this is why they lost to Vegas in the playoffs last year as they had the audacity to take time off during game 3

  3. Hey Austin. I’ve been an oilers fan my entire life. I’m going to ask you, do you think Mcdavid needs to shoot more cuz he always looks for drais and it always gets intercepted. I agree with you that Mcdavid and draisatal should be separated. Mcdavid has more of a look to shoot and draisatal can feed Mccloud.

  4. Realistically you can't go 100% all game every game. It's a good thing that they can turn it on for one period and put it away. We'll see a full effort vs Boston I'm sure

  5. The 2nd period this game may have been a bit deceptive. The Oilers got stunned as our penalty kill has been struggling more as of late. (It seems we made a change to the structure after the VGK loss, and the players are getting mixed up in coverage and playing the box. You can see players often waving to one another trying to direct coverage which was a problem we had before Woodcroft was fired.)

    Some things to note from this game:

    1. Warren Foegele, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE PLAY. – I don't know if he may have gotten Holloways illness or his head wasnt in the game but several times he had missed passes in key moments. (The Kane open net pass, and a horrible line change missing the puck which lead to a Grade A chance for the Coyotes.)
    2. If it ain't broke don't fix it. – Scoring depth is good, under Knobloch the team preached consistency, so why are we now shuffling lines? Not sure if the line shuffling may be in part due to testing players leading into the deadline but 37, 71, 55, 28 and 13 need to be able to show that they can perform and keep a slot on this cap strapped team. WE NEED TO HAVE SOME BUDGET PLAYERS.
    3. Deadline Interests – For the deadline I agree with Austin. My number 1 want is to seek a puck moving, shut down defence man. If youre playing as a pair with a shooter like Bouchard, you want someone who can stand up with some grit on the back end. Perhaps a Tanev? 2nd I would want to trade for a middle six sniper. We load up on playmakers and power forwards, but what this team lacks raw shooting ability (when 97 turns his shooting mentality off like he has this season.) If we can find a player that lifts the puck some and can consistently pick the corners we could be a stronger team. The defensive upside of a player like Bjugstad was an example of that. (Shame we let him go.)
    4. Communication is key – SImilar to the start of the year, the boys need to understand the assignment, not overthink the game and have trust/faith in their linemates. Less time play calling and directing means more time to play the game.

  6. The second period of every Edmonton game makes me die a little inside. I always try remember that their third periods are very good, but it’s so hard to remember that when they let in three goals in twenty minutes. It’s so awful watching it.

  7. Great work on the format Austin.

    I think the 2nd period woes are actually a common hockey psychology. Players and teams spend 24-48hrs really getting amped for "good starts" If you watch Oiler player interviews that's a common theme. Hyper focused on a good start. The 2nd period ends up being a lost in space period. Then the final efforts are put into finishing the opponent off in the last period. I think professional athletes within a sport with such parity, it's difficult. Each team has to really find where to spend most of their energy. Oilers for a big part of their last season was blowing their 1st periods. Seems like maybe they have over compensated?

    Rather than playing a nice solid 60 min game, they are really focused on ultra good starts and solid finishes. But you're right, that formula won't work well in the playoffs.

  8. I think it's the long change and not getting the teams second breath until the 2nd intermission. I also think Knobs needs to find his voice earlier in the games. Coffey and Knobs need a bit more vocalizations. Just new coach stuff. The team has shown it can adjust. So now they need to work again as a tight knit group, which they will get going by mid-late march.

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