@Flames de Calgary

Les Maple Leafs de Toronto semblent extrêmement susceptibles d’échanger contre Noah Hanifin

Regardez comment ils épellent le nom Hanifins dans cet article. Je ne l’épelle pas correctement sur Reddit, mais ce type est payé pour écrire ceci.



  1. Why even link to this? Zero substance, just clickbait they couldn’t even bother to spellcheck.

  2. Paulhockey77

    The leafs don’t have any interesting assets that would work. Plus it’s unlikely a Canadian team acquires him

  3. cig-nature

    Well, they do have a first to trade.

    Not really sure of the quality of their prospect pool though.

  4. TGIRiley

    Editor in leaf is notoriously garbage. This would be like if r/leafs posted an article from Eric Francis about how the flames are looking to tear it down to the studs and all the players are available for cheap.

  5. doughflow

    Look at this stupid article I’m driving clicks to!

  6. vito_corleone01

    Leafs want it all without trading first round pick, I doubt Flames make any deal with them.

  7. ListOk9138

    Editor in Leaf is banned from r/Leafs for the record. It’s just a loser clickbait site. Don’t pay any attention to this.

  8. Motor_Signal_413

    There’s literally no chance lol, treliving is kicking tires with volume of junk when Conroy wants quality assets back… Leafs fans are just deluded and have a hard on for it. Quite frankly I don’t think ownership wants us to deal with Brad at all, which given the relatively underwhelming assets they have compared to other teams interested like NJ, Dallas and apparently Arizona even it would be a mistake to send him to Toronto honestly

  9. Chemical_Signal2753

    I think it is extremely likely Toronto makes a push for Hanifin, after all Treliving is always in on everyone, but I am not sure they will land him. I don’t see a team acquiring Hanifin unless they can extend him, and I don’t think Hanifin will sign in Toronto.

  10. hfxbycgy

    The leafs can have Hanifin, Tanev and Markstrom for Nylander and Samsonov

  11. TGazahoo

    Haha spells it wrong so many different ways

  12. badgerbob1

    Alright! Hanifin for Auston Matthews and a first! Keep cooking, Conny!

  13. ThatPaulywog

    For Ian White, Matt Stajan and Nik Hagman.

  14. Karenandsharon

    If we somehow end up with William Nylander the flames are dead to me.

  15. Itwasinin04

    Oh God, I didn’t even think about this. The BT being « in » on everything is so much worse now with the Toronto media lol

  16. TommyImpreza

    Leafs fan here coming in peace, editor in leaf is trash

  17. marbsarebadredux

    So this is how other team’ fans felt about Treliving, huh?

  18. Takhar7

    Clickbaity loser who has no reputation amongst Leafs fans, for what it’s worth.

    Completely unserious person who isn’t worth paying attention to.

  19. Top_Tumbleweed

    Hanifin for Matthews and a first rounder

  20. Friendly-Monitor6903

    Trade what?
    Hanifin is from Boston and likely prefers US.

  21. Hutch25

    Sure they are.

    I mean sure, they can’t afford his cap hit and lately their defence has been solid… but they are surely still gonna trade for a guy like that when they don’t have a first round pick this year as easy value.

    That said, what value do they have to trade? Without their first rounder they are pretty well out of buying anyone worth while for a playoff push because no one is going to take their trash.

  22. Canadeon

    I’d think Brad has a higher tax on him than Edmonton does right now…

  23. AnyRush8219

    James Tanner is the absolute worst « writer. » He only posts trash opinion pieces with zero fact backing anything he writes. His articles are full of spelling errors and poor grammar. He can barely string 2 sentences together, let alone 2 thoughts. Disregard anything he writes.

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