@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Jagr vole la vedette lors de la meilleure cérémonie de maillot de tous les temps

La légende de la LNH et futur membre du Temple de la renommée Jaromir Jagr a eu tout un week-end à Pittsburgh pour la cérémonie de retrait de son maillot. L’animateur de 7-Eleven That’s Hockey, Gino Reda, en dit plus sur cette soirée mémorable, y compris un compte à rebours des sept meilleurs moments.


  1. So awesome! I’m the same age as Jagr so I got to see his entire NHL career. Although he ended up playing for 8 teams after Pittsburgh, he helped each one of them and always looked forward to the highlights! #68

  2. What an absolute legend! All of his teammates look like grandpas, he's still playing, owns a team and has a girl who's too young to remember he played in the USA 😀

  3. As a Yinzer, I’ve seen cup finals games, Crosbys first shootout goal against Montreal, Malkin’s unbelievable goal against Edmonton, and many other memories. None of it tops this night. Blessed to say I saw such a historic night with my own eyes. 68 forever.

  4. He should have dressed and played a few shifts, fans would have gone bananas. That would have been pretty special, and the modern sporting world is in dire need of some humanity and fun.

  5. Czech biggest hockey star is Penguin forever. In Pittsburgh he was rising star with big persons. In Washington-Rangers-Philadephia-Dallas-Boston-New Jersey-Florida-Calgary was good but in Pens was/is god..with great Mario.

  6. Jagr was my second favorite player as a kid. So happy his banner is home where it’s suppose to be.

  7. Granted deciding when to hold the retirement ceremony entails a lot of things but the age and health of the parents of the player in question should be one of the things that is taken into account.

    The Pens had so many years to do this but dragging it out resulted in having the ceremony take place after Jagr's dad had passed away.

  8. Give me a break TSN, barely make out the f bomb. Who cares. But that had to be the second thing you put up in the thumbnail in RED. Again, who cares. Congrats Jagr.

  9. In what other city in the WORLD can you identify a sports legend by one name? Jags – Geno – Sid – Mario – Franco – Roberto – Pops – Ben? Phenomenal sports town. Phenomenal fans!!!!!!!!! (N'at!!!!!!!)

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