@Flyers de Philadelphie

La proposition athlétique : Walker au Lightning pour 2025 2e + 2024 5e. Le prenez-vous ?

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  1. BumblerNamedOy

    Yeah I would.

    I feel like a first round pick is a bit of a stretch. This feels like the more realistic trade that I’d imagine others are offering. And considering Walker was just a cap dump, I would see this as a win.

  2. Armless_Octopus

    I’d really prefer to get a 24 second. But I’d do this if it’s the only way to get a 2. There is also the off chance that the lightning take a step back next year and miss the playoffs, meaning this would be a mid second and not a late one. It’s not likely, but they’re getting old, stamkos is on an expiring deal, and maybe they have a down year.

    Getting a first rounder seems highly unrealistic at this point. Walker’s offensive production has dried up since the first 1-2 months. He’s still a valuable player. But not worth a first even for desperate teams.

  3. SeesawLimp

    If we are retaining 50% salary then no. I feel like we deserve a bit more. Maybe a 3rd instead of a 5th.

    No retention I’d take that.

  4. NowFook

    If thats the best offer then yeah im still taking that over keeping him

  5. SouthRisk

    Yes. We would likely have 3 2025 second round picks and 1 2024 2nd round pick after this, but I bet we could find a taker to trade 2024 2nd for 2025 2nd + late round pick like we did with Chicago last year.

  6. flyersnstuff

    I would. I don’t think they’re getting a 1st, and the 2025 2nd hurts somewhat, but the Flyers would have 3 2nds in that draft. Makes moving up easier, whether it’s ’24 or ’25.

  7. infidelappel

    I would. If Walker really wants to be here, great – he can come back in the summer, for a price under the $5m+ he’s reportedly asking for. 

    The guy has been a marginal player his entire career, was a nothing cap dump in the Provorov trade, and has been a decent top 4 for the first time in what may be his last good contract year. 

    I know everyone thinks Shaw and Torts are miracle workers with defensemen, but Walker is absolutely ripe for a regression closer to his career norm and you don’t pay guys like that $5m. Trade him while his value is high. 

    I’d prefer a 2024 2nd and I’d like to get the second pick up higher, but just take the assets at this point. I like Walker, he’s been a good piece for us this year. But I just don’t see that being sustainable to justify paying him what he’s asking for. 

  8. Steppyjim

    I would wait until the deadline and take this if they literally couldn’t do better. But I think he can return a tiny bit more maybe not a full first but a 24 second or 25 2 and a 3rd or 4th seems reasonable

    Really what we need is for Tanev to get moved. That will make the price go up as it would make Walker the best rental left, especially if Tanev returns a Monahan level deal. Frankly unless we get floored I don’t think we should do anything until the calandar hits march

  9. PwillyAlldilly

    I’m taking this deal unless the man REALLY actually wants to be here and signs for 4mil, then i’ll keep him. Anything above is opposite of a rebuild.

  10. Prudent-Psychology66

    Only if the 2nd becomes a conditional 1st if the make the conference finals

  11. InjectA24IntoMyVeins

    Will I be satisfied? Yes Do I think they can squeeze a tiny bit more juice out of this? Also yes

  12. kapt_so_krunchy

    A couple of months ago I was in this sub and said something to the effect of “We should get a first and a second Walker and a first for Seeler.”

    I tried to scroll back and find the comment because someone (rightfully) called me out.

    I just came here to say I was wrong. We will not be getting a first for Walker.

  13. hawks27-2

    One thing I want to point out is that the proposed 2nd rounder would likely be our **fourth** second round pick next season. If you look at CapFriendly it shows we have two 2nds this year and two 2nds next year, but realistically the CBJ pick will move to next year. That pick is conditional, with CBJ choosing to either give up their 2024 2nd or their 2025 2nd. They are almost certain to push it to 2025 – not only are they bad with it unlikely they are worse next year, this will be their new GM’s first draft and they will likely want all the picks they can get to start making a mark.

    We could use it as a trade chip, but the fact that we would have so many 2nd rounders make them each less valuable, and this one belonging to the Lightning would likely be the least valuable considering they will probably be better (and therefore lower in the draft) than at least Anaheim or CBJ. A 2024 2nd could likely be packaged to move up in this draft because we also have the FLA 1st to package with it.

    Briere set his price as a first. Competitive teams (collectively) have more 1st rounders available than 2nd rounders. A 2025 2nd has good value for teams offering them up, considering they have fewer trade assets left, but it would have very little value given the assets the Flyers already have. Honestly an additional 2024 3rd rounder would have more weight for the Flyers than a fourth 2025 2nd rounder. Teams have to meet the Flyers value and the Flyers have to stand on that.

  14. Wilbert_51

    I would. Accumulating assets spread out over a couple of seasons is good. Rookie contracts expire at different times and if they are turning the corner next year they have an added asset to flip.

    Also if it’s a real rebuild where you want success for a decade you care about getting the talent not when you get it

  15. I wonder how much of this hypothetical return is based upon TBL not having 1st rd picks this year and next year. They also don’t have a 2nd this year. The Kulak comparable isn’t a very good one. The RHD market is basically Tanev and Walker. Walker comes with a much cheaper contract and is younger. If Walker goes to the TBL, he may be in their 1st d pair. I may be dreaming, I’d ask for a prospect like Gage Conclaves as a more appropriate return.

  16. hockeypuck1925

    If it’s a 2nd, not a 1st…
    I’d switch the 5th to a prospect – more of a known quantity that way.

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