@Canadiens de Montréal

[Martineau] Dach skate avec un équipement complet ce matin

[Martineau] Dach skate avec un équipement complet ce matin



  1. Aromatic-Audience-85

    I wonder if he sees a game this year. I wouldn’t push him to get one. But I’m sure it wouid be a great feeling for him to play 1-2 games before going back into the offseason.

  2. Habsfan_2000

    Wow. Wonder how much weight lifting they let him do on that leg.

  3. CapableAmbassador209

    With 2 months left in the season why is every hockey analyst adament he won’t come back this year? I don’t see how having Dach back if he’s fully healthy an unacceptable risk. At his age, every game played is an opportunity to evolve and learn.

  4. Hockeymask27_

    yeah I think he just aiming for team practice doubt he risk in game at this point

  5. melon_m

    Hope he does not play this season so he can play the start of the next season

  6. Excellent-Speaker934

    Yeah but at the time, the Hawks were just the blue print basement team. Le the basement is almost complete

  7. Phil_Atelist

    I think that with all the blow back that the organization has faced about players playing while unfit or still hurt – not all of which was the Habs fault – they will adhere to the doctor’s protocol and ease him back in the next season.

  8. 2sexy4thish8

    I feel like a lot of people who are pushing for him to come back haven’t ever experienced such injuries to understand just how badly you want to play it safe. Just had a labral hip repair surgery from a hockey accident and altho 2 weeks later I’m walking and could theoretically step on the ice. I wouldn’t dare risk fucking it up again and dealing with another major setback.

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