@Stars de Dallas

EN DIRECT : Tableau de bord/commentaire des Stars de Dallas contre les Bruins de Boston !

Soutenez le stream : https://streamlabs.com/samsmith-viouVa/tip Mon Instagram : https://instagram.com/samsmithonyt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Mon TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@samsmithonyt? is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Mon Twitter : https://twitter.com/SamSmithOnYT


  1. EPIC stream, Sam. EPIC. The shootout may have taken a few minutes off of our lifespans but it surely was a good showcase for your announcing talents. 😊 Have a safe drive back to campus and let’s build this momentum on the road trip!

    Cheers from SoCal where it’s 50 degrees and raining. ☔️

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