@Sabres de Buffalo

[Brian Wilde – Global News] – On ne soulignera jamais assez à quel point la présence d’Arber Xhekaj fait que tous les autres membres du Canadien se sentent un peu plus grands et que l’opposition se sent un peu plus petite. Au début de la deuxième période, les corps volaient et le jeu avait un petit avantage.

[Brian Wilde – Global News] – On ne soulignera jamais assez à quel point la présence d’Arber Xhekaj fait que tous les autres membres du Canadien se sentent un peu plus grands et que l’opposition se sent un peu plus petite. Au début de la deuxième période, les corps volaient et le jeu avait un petit avantage.



  1. Comrade_Slime

    Too bad he couldn’t make their score feel bigger

  2. Spiritual_Bourbon


    Interesting take from local media in Montreal, that’s not shocking to some Buffalo fans.

    > It can not be emphasized enough how much the presence of Arber Xhekaj makes everyone else on the Canadiens feel a little bigger, and the opposition feel a little smaller. Early in the second period, bodies were flying, and the game had a little edge.

    > Xjekaj got on the ice and immediately started hitting everything that moved. When the Sabres took exception, Xhekaj went right at them making it clear they would answer to him.

    > **Intimidation is a part of hockey, and so is fighting. As long as these components of the game exist, it is wise to have someone who can make everyone’s bravery stand out more. It’s important though that this strong man can play hockey. Xhekaj can.**

    > Xhekaj opened the scoring with his big slap shot. Xhekaj will be a bona fide third-line NHL defender for a long time considering the offence and physicality that he brings.


    Two things stood out to me. First is how accurate that intimidation is a part of hockey and second is it being important that your big men can also play hockey. Xhekaj is at best a 3rd pair guy but even though he showed on the stat line he didn’t need to in order to impact the game.

    Greenway was awesome last night and stood up to an extent for Benson but Xhekaj kept coming. Mitts didn’t want any of that smoke either and he completely destroyed Girgensons. Montreal is young and their start players need to grow but they are building a much different roster in Montreal.

  3. adolce95

    This is kinda just garbage lol first of all, they lost so you already lose points there because the physical intimidation or whatever couldn’t have mattered that much. Second, Greenway, Cozens, Tuch, and Dahlin all had huge hits as well. The game got physical and we didn’t back down. Casey takes a beating every single game with battles on the wall, him getting hit isn’t exactly a shock lol 

    Seriously, we won the game and we’re in here making sweeping rebuild declarations based off a third pair defenseman’s hits, one of which should’ve been a penalty, in a game he lost? Lol 

  4. Solctice89

    Anyone trying to make an argument based off of one game can kick rocks. Sabres are soft.

  5. nefarious_dareus

    Like this is correct, it is a real effect, and he is dangerous when you’re forechecking him, but on the flip side, he’s a liability on the point with the puck. The Canadians had a lot of offensive zone turnovers last night that ended in an odd man rush in our favor.

  6. Green_hippo17

    I hope montreal keeps that guy for a long time lmao because he’s fucking terrible lmao

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