@Sabres de Buffalo

[Buffalo Hockey Moments] Cela s’est produit il y a 17 ans. Quelle nuit.

[Buffalo Hockey Moments] Cela s’est produit il y a 17 ans. Quelle nuit.



  1. StartButtonPress

    RIP Emery

    That was a wild night, those teams hated each other

  2. Randy-Bobandy22

    It’s too bad we never get hockey like this anymore. Now we just have a team that can barely fight to win consecutive games.

  3. Spudquake

    I remember when I first learned about it. I was on vacation in Montreal with my mom and it came up on the new they showed in subway stations. We were pretty bemused by Emory and Marty going at it.

  4. Letsgobuffalo2210

    I can’t believe that was almost 2 decades ago what the fuck.

  5. StannisTheMannis1969

    Good thing Emery was a good sport – he could’ve killed Marty…

  6. Not only was RJ at his best that night, I love Rob Ray fruitlessly tying to cover up the microphone while Lindy Ruff is dropping F-bombs

  7. SomeROCDude21

    A night that will live, in infamy

  8. Good-Bot_Bad-Bot

    This is another post with the full video.

  9. Good-Bot_Bad-Bot

    The prior post had the full video and what lead up to this (aka Chris Drury being cheapshoted) but everyone is commenting on this one.

  10. Atty_for_hire

    Hearing RJs voice got me teary eyed on the work John.

  11. JahHappy

    Back when we had some fucking fire on our bench. Now we have Charmin bear.

  12. Bulldogskin

    Was at that game. That was the most electric, crazy, sporting I’ve ever been at. Crowd was totally nuts. Too bad Sabres fans have nothing to get that fired up about any more. Good Times!

  13. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    Chris Neil is the scum of the earth.

  14. GLFR_59

    Hell ya!! I forgot about how much of a rat Kaleta was, equal or worse as Cooke.

  15. 360degreesofFUNK

    Ahhh, those were the days…🥲

  16. Torrronto

    Normally I’d say that Peters going after the goalie breaks the code, but Emery was loving every second of it.

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