@Ligue nationale de hockey

Nate Bastian, blessure brutale

Nate Bastian, blessure brutale



  1. TJTrapJesus

    Well Rempe was a fun story for 1 game before it turned out he’s just a piece of shit

  2. IAmJustAspect

    Damn… you know that shit hurt and he’s fucked up when it looks like he’s about to cry 😬. Hope for the best and a speedy recovery for him🙏🙏!

  3. weaberry

    That was really fucked up. Throw the book at this clown.

  4. thesunwillrise123

    ig i’m soft but i want these hits out of the game completely.

  5. TheseMoviesIwant

    I think a rule should be put in that if you end another players career with an illegal hit. The injure player get 10% of your salary.

  6. 50TurdFerguson

    He will probably get less games suspended for this than Morgan Rielly got even thou this is a 100 times worse play. Let the DOPS spin the wheel of justice.

  7. Majestic-Office-4942

    Nathan Bastian returned to the game btw. I saw him on the bench

  8. PumpkinFar7612

    As a devils fan I’m embarrassed by how soft this team is. Nobody even tried to get revenge. Just bend over and take it

  9. skuncledeez

    That’s a blind side hit to the head, irregardless of intent😬 minimum 5

  10. James_Fantastic

    The nhl is only going to get bigger (as in players getting taller), they need to figure this out from a rule perspective.

  11. trippingtrips13

    If he hugged the wall instead of aiming 2 1/2feet off the boards, it would have been just as devastating of a hit and he’d still be playing in the game.


    Another dirty hit to the head. Ridiculous

  13. CripplesMcGee

    Glad the guy was able to get back into the game, but holy smokes, that hit was horrid.

  14. TalithePally

    A Ranger hitting someone in the head? shockedpikachu.jpg

  15. Frumbleabumb

    Rarely have i seen a hit so direct to the head

  16. ToKillAMockingAudi

    When did the Rangers turn into a bunch of scumbags? Trouba finally rubbing off on everyone eh

  17. TeamOggy

    How do you make that hit or even be in the vacinity and see someone go down like that and freeze, and just skate on. Like, do you have no decency as a human to worry at all that this guy is going to be seriously injured?

  18. Vegetable-Bug251

    A six game suspension coming up for Rempe

  19. RazzleDazzleSnipe

    Whats that like the 250th questionable play by the Rangers this year?

  20. Jesus that was wild to see slowed down. When watching it live it felt like he just got popped and sandwiched. It happened so fast. Seeing it slowed down makes sense now why is was writhing in pain.

  21. emmybemmy73

    Did this hit knock out his tooth? (Looks like one is missing) or was the splatter from his nose? Looked brutal.

  22. omnomnomnium

    The follow-up to this hit pissed me off, too. Siegenthaler went to have a word with Rempe; Rempe immediately dropped the gloves and started hitting Siegenthaler, who didn’t return the hits. The calls? Matching roughing minors.

  23. enigmaman49

    I grew up a ranger fan I mean hard core…HATE THE FUCKING DEVILS…but what the fuck is wrong with the rangers calling up this piece of shit goon with no real hockey skill…throw the fucking bum yo the curb..disappointed in the rangers here

  24. fentyboof

    Rempe is a pussy and a cheater. What a dirty charge. Fuck that guy.

  25. shochudai

    Why are Rangers fans such assholes lol

  26. DasSeabass

    Textbook example of and egregious and bad hit

  27. MmmmCrispyBacon

    Garbage ass hit. Should be a couple of games.

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