@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du NJ ensanglantés et battus perdent contre les Rangers 5-1 Saison RIP : les funérailles et la diatribe

Les Devils du New Jersey ont perdu contre les Rangers de New York par un score de 5-1 le 22/02/24 au Prudential Center de Newark, dans le New Jersey. Une performance nauséabonde et pathétique à tous points de vue. RIP aux Devils du New Jersey 2023-324. J’évoque le jeu et cette saison gâchée dans cette vidéo récapitulative. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Découvrez l’épisode 3 du podcast Runnin With The Devils, avec Bobby Holik : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtHOmaavONo&feature=youtu.be Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #jackhughes #newyorkrangers #devils #rangers #newjerseydevils #nhl #hockey #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast


  1. I turned my tv off after it was 3-0, I was done. Lindy better be fucking fired by tmr morning or else I’m- uh, idk what I’ll do. Oh, maybe I’ll throw up, that sounds like a good idea. If Lindy doesn’t get fired I throw up ☺️
    Literally idk what is happening, no one is doing anything, and fans are sitting there ew. I just- 🫥

  2. This “game” was a microcosm of our whole “season”. Absolutely no effort on offense or defense. In addition, Daws has had his second straight mid start. I’ve lost just about all hope that we can turn this around. Anything less than four straight wins coming up is absolutely unacceptable.

  3. I've been telling you, everyone for 3 month the season is over, the team is trash, GM is trash, Ruff is trush!! Enjoy, trolls😂

  4. Thank goodness I was at a basketball game tonight. I kept checking the score and gave up after the third goal. Sad to say, at this point I would rather not make the postseason rather than get destroyed in the first round. Fitzgerald punted the season.

  5. This team would probably struggle win an AHL playoff game. Even if they somehow go on a run and make the playoffs, they'll get destroyed physically in the first round.

  6. This loss is on everybody's shoulders. Where it could've been salvaged in the second, everyone just looks defeated on the bench. Captain's not firing us up, Jack and Luke have not been living up to expectations lately, Toffoli whiffing every shot. We chose Smith over Miller for physicality, but did he do anything? A lot of movement and no actions, 5 minute and we couldn't do anything, meanwhile they score in seconds (pretty sure we're one of the worst on the PP in 2024, where in 2023 we were one of the best). Horrid turnovers. Daws wasn't helped but could've done better. And shame on Lindy and Fitz for allowing this buffonery to continue. Only props I'm giving is Bastian for fighting on. Beyond the game, Devils management, I know they're only 11 miles but why am I hearing positive "Igor" chants in the middle of the 2nd in the regular season? I'm hearing louder sighs when the Rangers miss a goal that the home team.

    And that hit on Bastian. Legal? Yes. Dirty? Abso-fucking-lutely. Was hoping that would get the boys fired up, but no, the Charmin Crew does not retaliate and looks dead by the 1st intermission. And absolutely digusting that Rangers fans are cheering and praying for season ending injuries, I don't care if it's a rivlary that's inexcusable. Bad guys win, but unlike the movies there's no fire in the heroes to change things. This must be how the Rags felt last year. If we don't win every game in our Cali run, I'll be convinced that this season is buried, but tonight I'm officially joining the bandwagon. #FireLindy #FireFitz

  7. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy you all!!!!!! In Fitz you trust😅 I'll accept apologies although you are too covardly to apologize, but I am ok with it😄

  8. Hate to say it but the team deserves to have their season end in April. It’ll hopefully do them some good & maybe they’ll be very upset & never want it to happen again… nothing to rly say other then that. They just need to grow up & mature all around & the season ending in April might help them do that. Just very sad to see this be the scenario after last year.

  9. Lord help us, we have two more games against the rags before the season is officially over 😒

    Edit: FIRE LINDY and Travis Green and Chris Taylor.

  10. Our PP sucks because we only try one trick to enter the zone……every time. When the other team knows at entry the board winger is getting the pass it's pretty easy to just clamp down on that and allow nothing. Our troubles have been personnel in terms of defense and goaltending as you mentioned, yes. That is certainly the majority of it, but the schemes and situational coaching have been awful too this entire season. On a positive side, still enough games left to right the ship and make the playoffs. All it takes is a hot stretch and a team above us to falter.

  11. Don't what what to say besides im over it. Done with the season im tired of constantly chasing this pathetic attempt of a "cup contending team." There's no saving this season at this point, its obvious we can't pull something out of our asses. Shit team and I can't wait until summer time so I don't have to stress over our placement in the standings. Soon Im going to start calling fitzy a fraud because its only been radio silence from him.

  12. when you best offensive and experienced D-man goes down, you don't replace him with 19 yo kid no matter how good he might seem. You find the the experienced D-man within the organisation even he is a no-name or bring one from outside via the trade immediately. He got DeSimone , even way too late. Why is he not playing? Hatakka is 23yo and better than Hughes and Nemec. Why is he not playing? This organisation is rotten. And it started from Fitzgerald. Fish rots from the head

  13. Season over. I agree that this is on Fitz. He destroyed the development process of this team. It was his obligation to get an NHL caliber goalie and a defender to help cover loss of Dougie. He’s made other mistakes too, but these are the worst. Season over. Need to be sellers now that we’re back to the rebuild.

  14. At this point I just want to hear from Fitz. I hope he takes accountability, and commits to making changes.

  15. 10 for 96 on the PP in the past couple months. WTF is that?
    I done beating a dead horse. I wouldn’t fire Ruff till the end of 2024. Fitz should go if he fucks up the offseason.
    Only reason I give them leeway still is because of what they dealt with this season. Super immature defense and an injury riddled roster. The goalie situation is a different animal. Over paying vs waiting to see how the season unfolds, I’d wait too. Considering some of our best players are playing hurt almost all season. They were never going to win the Cup this year with all the bullshit. Next season will come, the team will look a little different, we should have a new goalie to cheer for and hopefully our star players stay healthy. Luke and Nemec need to catch up in experience to match the rest of the core group. Get a goalie and 2 players with BALLS that aren’t afraid to drop the gloves or level someone and we will be going far. It’s coming.

  16. I think the biggest problem was not firing Lindy. He should have been gone by December. Lindy had made so many missteps with this team. Never adjusted the system at all. That is something Fitz can definitely be blamed for. The goalie situation he tried to address. We all saw the reports this week that they almost had a deal. But this organization can't afford to trade youth anymore. The cupboards are getting bare.

  17. I literally skipped this game because I knew this was going to happen. Definitely prevented my BP from going up for once with this team. No trade is going to change anything. Might as well start talking about the offseason & draft prospects at this point.

  18. We have a coaching issue….need someone to kick these players asses……soft, no shot blocking, no net presence, I mean WTF are the coaches watching….

  19. We tried, but this front office well overjudged the willingness of the league to protect stars. This is the most Lady Byng team on the ice every single night, but ti does nothing for us. Bulk up or shut up in the offseason Fitzy!

  20. Last night at 1:30am I had to take my cat off 30 feet tall tree . I woke up for work at 6am . I fell asleep in the middle of the first period . Just woke up , checked the score and realized that it was the best thing to do . I mean to sleep through that game . Let’s go Devils !

  21. Fucking clowns. Nico legit looked so smoked in this game. Dudes been working his ass off lately getting ZERO help, other than from Nico #2, whose been left out to dry for 2 straight games.

  22. old horse with hip injury Kane is point per game this season, while bum Meier is on 8.8M. What a joke. TIMO TIME

  23. I was thinking the same thing during the first period. If I were at that game I would've been arrested 1000%. Unfortunately I was paralyzed in a car accident in 2013, so our beloved Devils have brought me next to zero joy over the last 10 years. Clearly it's too much to ask for to see this team competing like they were through the early 2000s.

  24. Luke is an AHL player. He needs more time to develop. Nemec is a great I don't know why he's not on PP1! Oh wait I know Jack tells Lindy what to do.

  25. i switched over to Florida Carolina game after the 3rd goal. What a treat Florida team is right now despite an unfortunate loss. I guess I'll never see Devils be a team like that and play like that.

  26. SO disappointing. I hate to hear or say that the season is over because its obviously easier to have hope that they will turn things around but its just too late. This is my first full season as a fan of the devils and hockey in general and its just been sucky. Was never on the fire Lindy train until now but it needs to happen. A big change needs to happen

  27. This was the greatest devils game I have ever seen msg New Jersey went wild all of us rangers fans just taking over the building (we where like 60 percent of the fans)

    My favorite part is when the devils fans fled like rats leaving and only us rangers fans where left in the third

  28. Fire the coaching staff tonight. Healthy scratch miller for smith 😂 never drops Luke when he’s on awful form yet Holtz gets 5 minutes of ice time. Can someone tell me what Travis Greens job is??? And for the love of god can Fitz get a couple of players who aren’t complete pansies. Every game I have to watch this soft ass team get rag-dolled it’s embarrassing

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