@Ducks d'Anaheim

Contre les vestes bleues

Cam Fowler, mec WTF. Grattez cette connard.



  1. spacegrab

    I was really critical of him through the early season, then he had a decent uptick every time I showed up at a game in person and would pot a goal and make some solid plays and make me feel like I’m gaslighting myself.

    Then the wheels fell off the fowler bus last night wtf. How do you get smashed by CBJ so badly, especially when they just got pummeled 1-5 vs LAK the night before.

    Silver lining is we gave +2 to the team right above us in rankings, so we inch closer to solidifying 3OA lmao.

  2. _RevUpThoseFriars_

    Surely there wouldn’t be people in this subreddit who still defend Fowler

  3. dumdadum123

    I just do not understand how the Associate Captain in a defensive spot can be that negative in point diff.

    Cam is really setting a bad example, if this was a seasonal look (which honestly it seems kinda close) I’d give the A to Minty purely based on actual defensive output of the game. The fact that half our defensive core is negative is just bad. Lyb being tied to Fowler (I think he was with him during the cbj game) is dragging him down.

    Fowler has gotta go.

    Nvm: Gudas had a decent game just slightly negative in pp. I’m mobile so can’t read the chart very well.

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