@Sabres de Buffalo

Le dilemme des équipes des petits marchés : Jets de Winnipeg, Sabres de Buffalo

Les Jets de Winnipeg ont vu le nombre d’abonnements de saison et la fréquentation globale diminuer au cours des deux dernières saisons. Cela a amené le commissaire de la LNH, Gary Bettman, à tirer la sonnette d’alarme concernant leur sécurité à long terme à Winnipeg. Mais ce problème ne se limite pas à Winnipeg. D’autres franchises comme les Sabres de Buffalo et les Sénateurs d’Ottawa observent et établissent des parallèles entre la situation de Winnipeg et la leur. Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, Don explique les dangers d’être une équipe de petit marché dans la LNH et comment les combattre. Suivez BSC sur : Discord – https://discord.gg/nBDZzQp Instagram – https://instagram.com/buffalo_sportscenter?igshid=1jqi1tm445zj TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@buffalosportscenter?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


  1. Biggest reason Winnipeg is in trouble is the exchange rate. Canadian teams have to pay their players in US dollars. This is what killed them the first time and it also forced the Quebec Nordiques to move to Colorado in 1995.
    Bettman will get murdered by the Canadian media if he tries to move the Winnipeg Jets especially when you look at the Arizona Coyotes and their arena problems .
    What am going to do is check out is the Jets ticket prices and ill get back to you . Also to be honest with you I dont think the 3 levels of government ( municipal, provincial and federal ) would let the Winnipeg jets move, they would bail them out.
    Thanks for the video , keep up the good work .

  2. Sabres owner is rock solid, look at all the billions he spent on water front and buying the teams, we wouldn’t even have teams right now in Buffalo if it wasn’t for him…the Sabres owner has 7 billion dollars he can lose money every year on Sabres and it wouldn’t even touch his money…the Sabres owner offered Zack Parise and Suter 120 million each more than the Wild but they didn’t pick us, the owner will spend the money, the problem is nobody wants to play in Buffalo with the team bad, fat chicks, high taxes and bad weather

  3. Expansion was very dumb, they are going to add new teams in really stupid places where it doesn’t even snow

  4. The jets have had sell outs for 10 years straight! I think tickets sales suffered when fans saw their team throw in the towel!

  5. Because of Trudeau’s horrible policies people don’t have any money because the economy is terrible so they can’t afford to buy tickets for a hockey game. If this doesn’t say get rid of Trudeau, I don’t know what does.

  6. I'm ALL for more teams, more team means MORE hockey. As to if it'll work out, I'd say try it why not. Nothing to lose except…for…money…oh. Hmm…on that same point, Atlanta and Kanas City HAD a team and they left and/or folded, not sure if the cities want to go through that again nor worth it.

  7. It would take a novel to correct the nonsense logic in this video. But here’s a couple obvious points:

    1) Gary Bettman can’t “step in and do something” about any team because they are losing games or not generating revenue. How could anyone even think this? This would be completely up to the franchise ownership to deal with. Only if they decided to sell or move the team, would the League get discretion to approve the sale.

    2) Atlanta losing teams had nothing to do with team performance. Both moves were due to major ownership issues outside of hockey operations. Much has been written about these well-documented situations, and the mention of them in this video is crazy to me.

  8. Bettman is coming to Winnipeg to talk to local business leaders. When the jets came back the tickets were in such demand that the jets had a choice. Sell tickets to business and corporate or sell to fans. They chose fans and now that the world is in a recession people can’t afford to come to games they struggling. Not mentioning in any article is that the last 10 home games they have 4 sellouts and are running at 95% capacity.

  9. This is why our fans need to be careful what they wish for when they stoop so low to say sell the team and want to fire the GM every 3 years. Terry Pegula is actually a fan of the Sabres and despite all the nonsense and whining online, he’s highly involved with Kevyn Adams. I said recently that this could all get a lot worse, and it will if we don’t stick to Adams’ plan. A 13 year playoff drought could turn into 18-20. We could have a different owner that finally moves the team out of Buffalo to make more money. How will our fans feel then? That would be the most devastating outcome of all of this. If we actually want to win a Stanley Cup and have a good team for years and years we have to trust what Adams is doing. Our fans are too one dimensional right now. Small market teams like Buffalo and Ottawa have to follow long term plans. We’re not LA, Toronto, NYC, Vegas, etc.

  10. Win and they will come. Ok let me educate you my lad. First Gary Bettman can do squat. It's up to the Commissioners (Owners) to put Terry Pegula on notice. Second Pegula IS NEVER going to sell the Sabres because it is his pride and joy. Yes he makes more money from the Bills (personally I can't stand the NFL) but he can use those profits to beef up the Sabres. Now let me give you a history lesson about Buffalo and hockey. Hockey didn't just come on the scene in 1970 when the Sabres joined the NHL. Buffalo has ALWAYS been a hotbed for hockey. UB had a hockey program dating back to the 1800s. The Buffalo Bisons were a very successful hockey franchise since the 1940s until the Sabres arrived. There was the fabled Peace Bridge Arena and the Peace bridge series that the Buffalo Majors and the Buffalo Bisons used in fact the Broadway Arena (right up the street from me) is used as a storage for the plows/garbage trucks of Buffalo As for the small market nonsense let me put that to rest as an argument I had with Jim Kelly (the writer not he quarterback) Buffalo IS NOT a small market team at all as you touched on some of the reasons why they are not. First the population of Hamilton ON 600,000, population of Mississauga ON 700,000 and of course Toronto ON almost 3 MIL. Those and more areas in Ontario come across the Peace Bridge to watch and pay for Sabres hockey. This whole small market nonsense was BASED on the media over the air coverage of the Sabres not where they come from. When I was a lad about your age in high school ( I'm in my 60s now) that's all we talked about was Gilbert Perreault and the French Connection day after day we dreamed and played hockey both on the ice and street hockey. The only reason cities such as Phoenix/Tempe , Miami, Tampa and California teams like Anaheim and LA is because of the HUGE population in those areas NOT BECAUSE THEY LOVE HOCKEY like we here in Buffalo.

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