@Avalanche du Colorado

Fil de jeu Avs VS Leafs, je n’ai plus de titres

Équipe de présentation du #Game | 1er | 2ème | 3ème | OT | Finale :—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—–:|:—-:|:——:
[COL](/r/Coloradoavalanche) /r/coloradoavalanche | – | – | – | – | –
[TOR](/r/Feuilles) /r/feuilles | – | – | – | – | – ***** #Points forts ####1er : – [1 – 0 COL](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rudo3/comments/1aza1k5/1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) – [2 – 0 COL](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rudo3/comments/1azad0x/2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) – [2 – 1 COL](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rudo3/comments/1azaia8/3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ####2ème : – ####3ème : – ## ##Autre : – ***** ^^Alors que ^^Reddit ^^les récompenses ^^sont ^^appréciées, ^^envisagez ^^de vous abonner ^^à ^^le ^^[DNVRYouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aOXvlqQqMlTFvbbAarD-A) ^^chaîne ^^ou ^^achat ^^un ^^abonnement ^^à ^^[TheDNVR](https://thednvr.com)



  1. RaantaCIaus

    That was dumb as shit, you were already between him and the puck

  2. scaremanga

    Colton flies out of the gates like a seagull that spotted a McMuffin

  3. schewbacca

    holy shit that leafs pp stat is insane.

  4. Vivid_Walk_1405

    Toews can’t let that past him

  5. rricenator

    Blow me, Bertie.

    Terrible penalty, way too good a PP to hand them that.

  6. Awkward_traveler

    Now gotta keep the energy up. This year they have had some really hot starts that fall apart after a goal against.

  7. monkinator

    why is there always a guy wide open on the backside on our PK???

  8. themrs0830

    What’s it like having a good PP? 😭

  9. Shaneisonfire

    All my homies hate the Bertuzzi’s

  10. MT_Original

    Of course it’s fucking Bertuzzi 🤦

  11. jenjen_banks

    Surprise surprise we ignore the two guys backdoor and they score 😐

  12. scaremanga

    Maybe I’m tipsy, but I swear that was a kiss

  13. JDOverdriveSunburst

    Bertuzzi picks up his wife’s boyfriend from the airport every other week and buys him frostys at Wendy’s before going to go cry in the Wendy’s bathroom

  14. Awkward_traveler

    We need JJ to hold a clinic next practice about how to just shoot the damn thing

  15. DirtyMud

    Bennett should get some good PP footage today!

  16. warmage20

    Who do we blame for that goal? Didn’t look like Georgie could have saved it

  17. Ok_Buffalo6474

    Forgot the game was on how we lookin gang?

  18. ras5003

    Bertuzzi look a little like Smeagol or is it just me?

  19. mps2000

    I’m really high watching this game and Sausage Party right now

  20. JDOverdriveSunburst

    Roaring 20s should be getting 2nd line minutes if they aren’t already

  21. schewbacca

    Missed the first 10 min. why are we wearing away jerseys at home?

  22. Shaneisonfire

    Georgiev seems to be pretty shaky side to side and letting some big juicy rebounds

  23. Imagine having a Bertuzzi on your team. Gross.

  24. rricenator

    Cry « Havoc, » and let loose the RossCo LOCWood Line!

  25. RaantaCIaus

    I’m gonna say it, I don’t like Mitch Marner at all. He just seems like typical Toronto rich family douchebag. Glad to get that off my chest, literally doesn’t change anything but I feel a little better now.

  26. Elusive_Manatee

    I hate that I’m going to love Mathews during the Olympics.

  27. scaremanga

    I have a feeling we’re gonna see a moose get a little loose tonight

  28. rricenator

    Bertuzzi orders his steak medium rare, and then puts ketchup on it.

  29. PackDaddy21222

    Could be watching this game but I don’t want to pay an extra $20 for sling tv.

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