@Jets de Winnipeg

La fréquentation des Jets de Winnipeg est en baisse, MAIS c’est réparable

Les Jets de Winnipeg ont connu une faible fréquentation cette saison en raison d’une mauvaise propriété et d’une mauvaise gestion. Cependant, c’est réparable. Merci beaucoup d’avoir regardé ! Si vous souhaitez rester au courant de tout mon contenu Jets, laissez un like et abonnez-vous pour en savoir plus ! Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jetshubyt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/JetsHubYT #nhl #hockey #nhljets #gojetsgo #sports


  1. 63-66 loonies at ticket master, thats alot less then the 100 guy is saying but more then the 30-40 that i said

  2. Strongly disagree, Winnipeg fans are acting like the NHL needs them but honestly they were fine without them for years. They should just reduce salary and put out a real crap product and tell fans you get what you pay for.

  3. First of all they have to make the pre-game festivities' last more than one hour. A game that was supposed to start at seven now starts 45 minutes later, and they got rid of Shirley Natress to sing the anthem and get all kind of other $hit to sing. If I wanted to hear opera or quire singing or the pow-wow I would attend it somewhere other than the hockey game. Than what happened to draft and develop, I see that Declan Chisholm has played 6 games for the Wild and has 1 goal and 3 assists for 4 points and is a plus 2. Against Edmonton he played over 20:00 minutes and was a plus 2. But the Jets would rather keep 3 {PANSY} defensemen on the right side because they are our future. There is nothing better than having an NHL team made up of old men that belong in the beer league to lead us into the future. I quit watching the Jets on TV because you pay 40 dollars a month to TSN just for hockey and then they split it up with a bunch of other stations each asking for the same amount per month. And you are always saying they should trade all their draft picks for old useless and overpaid players just so the talented draft picks never get a chance to play. If I was drafted by the Jets I would never sine with them and go for the next draft. A much better chance to play in the NHL.

  4. It’s incredibly expensive, and being from Kenora (2 hours east) makes it really hard to even trick myself into believing that I’d use season tickets. Gonna look into a quarter season package for the weekends, but damn man. Prices are insane.

  5. TNSE definitely took the fans for granted. They relied too much on the fanbase simply being happy to have a team again, and are now realizing they actually have to work to get fans back. The mediocre seasons didn't help, but the tone deaf marketing was bad, too.

    They need to lower ticket prices and find better ways to relate to the market. Simply being hockey-mad Canadian market is not good enough.

  6. There are not many teams going deep in the playoffs, so maybe shouldnt used as a reason to cancel season tickets. But they should look at how they price their tickets, sell the most expensive tickets to corp. and maybe lower the season ticket price for the avg joe who cant afford this. I get that its emotional, but I dont like putting the blame on the players when its 99% the price and the silly threat

  7. I've actually never bought tickets…I can't justify 2 tickets a year. I have bought tickets in Minneapolis and Arizona for under $40 and $18 perspectively…

  8. Doesn’t anyone see the elephant in the room?
    Winnipeg is a blue collar city in a blue collar province.
    The economy is horrible and the cost of living just keeps going up. Covid was a crippling kick in the bag that lotsa folks still haven’t recovered from. They spent their savings and maxed their credit cards. It’s not that the average Winnipegers are spending their disposable income elsewhere, it’s that they haven’t got any.
    Sticker shock at the grocery store, jobs lost, crazy taxes and inflation I could go on and on.
    I love the Jets. I wept when they left and I cried tears of joy when they returned, but people gotta put food on the table.
    There is no lack of passion, but True North had better be very careful about how they approach this.The optics are terrible. Players with their millions and their Teslas and Audis are fine, but don’t come after us with your hat in one hand and a bag of shit in the other.

  9. 1-Its expensive but we can't make it to cheap because we have the Moose also.
    2-We arnt rich like other cities if with 834k people surrounding area can't work then forget about Saskatoon/Quebec. Working class city
    3- Trudeau/Liberals spending/inflation,minimum wage goes up but alot of people took wage freezes during covid and now we seen strikes/barely raises with MPI,MLLC,Union jobs. Gas goes up,utilities,rent/housing,cars but not salaries enough. People unless they have money from family would rather save for DownPayment,kids,tuition.
    4- sometimes I wonder with immigration/people comming and going. Has the market changed Seabears,ValourFC,Bombers even Goldeyes in summer get people.
    5- the anti Canadian rhetoric is true Airizona,Florida is better now but in 2000s,Atlanta,other teams in USA get alot more chances if tickets drop more and Airizona=Utah definitely could see jets=Houston/Kansas. I don't think we would get a 3rd shot lile they talking about with Atlanta.
    6- Hockey would still be here but maybe it would go back to 90s/2000s with Moose being only team and farm team Vancouver. Hopefully that doesn't happen but if it does we have own Jerseys/Players like some AHL teams do not just copy paste from NHL. Prior to that I think Moose were in IHL.
    7- people who say Thompson is rich he put up money Chipman wouldn't have enough alone and no one likes losing money. With how much teams are costing now they would still make money selling it. Almost like he doesnt mind spending as long as return comes back that's why not just being small market team,but we at times like deals/internal cap/unwilling like Toronto do buyouts pay 1 way deals on Moose.

  10. Hopefully do have a deep playoff run. The deeper they go, the more sign ups for season tix will happen. At least Chipman owned up to the fact that they fucked up and flipped the bird to fans at the end of last year.

  11. Chipman did say in the long interview that re-location is not something on the table. With what's he's done he does deserve to be trusted. The Jets are middle of the pack in avg. ticket prices around $77USD/game. Even avg'ing 13,100 fans as they are currently at $77USD = $1,008,700. Florida avg's $37usd/ticket. No wonder they fill that arena now with a winning team. But even 18,400 at $37USD = $680,800. Jets per game revenue from tickets are 48% higher than Florida. If the Jets have a problem, then lots of teams do. Lower prices, especially at the concession and acknowledge the reality of the canadian economy currently. There is a middle ground….from both parties.

  12. What needs to be solved (particularly in canada) is the cost of tickets and the fact that so many of the seats just get gobbled up by corporations. My girlfriend is a habs fan and I am a penguins fan. For us to go see a game, it's actually a lot cheaper for us to travel to see the game in Pittsburgh than it is in Montreal. Toronto fans get royally fucked as well because all the good seats are gobbled up by corporations and actual fans don't get to attend the games. Which in turn makes the games look like the fans are lethargic and uninterested. If ticket prices were more reasonable you would see people go to a game, but when its over $200 CDN a ticket to see a game in a non lower bowl seat it makes it impossible for the average person/family to be able to afford to go to a show. The NHL has taken for granted the Canadian fan base for too long because they just assume that we will pay no matter what. But now with the cost of living crisis it's impossible for people to afford a day/night out for a wildly overpriced game. I'm sure a family of five would much rather go on a nice vacation rather then shell out over $1000 for 2.5 hour hockey game.

  13. As someone from Winnipeg, the Jets need to take a page out of the Bomber playbook. Lower the god damn prices and have like a happy hour before the game or have discounted drinks in the first or second period. You go to a bomber game, and you can have a great time for relatively cheap.

    I went to a game last year and it was 25 bucks for 2 drinks like wtf. And the crowd is pretty flat now because it's only people that can afford to go at the games. Meaning the older generation and they aren't buying food and drinks. Make the tickets more affordable and have some discounts on beer, and I guarantee they would sell those tickets.

    The Jets are also heavily lacking in fan engagement. There is way more engagement at Moose and Bomber games. The Jets gotta give back to the fans a bit. Like have signing periods after the game for season ticket holders. Shoot some t shirts into the crowd like at the Moose games. Like do something to make it interesting. The Jets have just been riding on the goodwill of the fans.

  14. Anyone that lives outside of the perimeter doesn’t exist. Brandon is the second biggest city, but we are forced to buy $200 tickets. We can’t use season ticket packages. In Montreal I got free food with my cheap ticket. Winnipeg charges $12 a beer?

  15. I wouldn’t go if I was given free tickets. It’s just a bunch of rich and spoiled boy men playing a game.
    I enjoy watching local community sports. So much more fun!👍

  16. How about some decent TSN and CBC coverage!!! I like the positives from Craig Button and McClelland but the other TSN (Toronto Sport Nuts) could care less about Winnipeg! And it blew me away when on Saturday Night, Hockey Night In Canada , Jets vs Colorado and after the Jets win, Scott Oake does a postgame midnight interview with a Colorado player. Now that's promoting Canada…….wow!!!! Absolutely SHAMEFUL!!!! There's lots of that when you look for it!!!!

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