@Rangers de New York

2/24 PHI contre NYR Après-match : Nick Deslauriers

Nick Deslauriers s’adresse aux médias après la défaite de 2-1 contre les Rangers.


  1. I like how Matt Martin and Nick are asking Rempe to go. They need a reason to stay up in the NHL and they are giving Rempe an opportunity too. Good stuff. Without these fights these guys would be in the minors let’s face it. They need to show their value

  2. Being the veteran, he felt an obligation to challenge Matt. He had a rude awakening and the tattoos to show it – hidden beneath the baseball cap…

  3. Great game, excellent effort by both teams and a playoff atmosphere. Really good old time hockey fight too. Rempe in a decision for sure. The welts on DesLauriers face and forehead proved that. Better luck next time…

  4. i love the professionalism coming from both rempe and delauriers, they respect eachother and they both know why theyre fighting; not because of anything between them but because its what they're supposed to do on the ice for their teams and for the fans

  5. the old guy lost, having to resort to pulling the jersey over the head, then tripping him…..Win: Rempe

  6. Love that fight. The dude took a a$$whipping like a man from Rempe😂.

  7. Tough as nails! A true warrior who’ has answered the bell for years, and that ain’t easy. Rempe is a horse with meanness that only comes from the dub. What a tilt 💥

  8. BS he was taunting the kid as a test while they were warming up he instigate the situation and the kid wiped him.

  9. 6' 8" 240 vs 6' 1" 218, so kudos to Nick for standing in despite being at a height & weight disadvantage. Terrific tilt regardless, although Deslauriers could've passed on the pants grab to dump Rempe as that's how a guy's head can hit the ice. Dangerous when you're off-balance.

  10. What a class act. I'm a Ranger fan saying this. Deslauriers is a good man and a fierce competitor. That was awesome today. Rempe rules!

  11. Only thing I didn’t like is that he tripped rempe at the end of the fight that’s very dangerous

  12. Much respect to Deslauriers here. Rempe is taller, younger (I suspect stronger) and beat his face into ground beef, but they're both great warriors. Nick may have lost (IMHO) but he stood tall, gave Rempe his props, and will fight another day.

  13. Starting to like this guy, he seems old school and we need more of that in the game. Don't get me wrong, I love how the game has grown and changed over the years, but sometimes you just wanna see a good hip check or a brawl like the one he was in

  14. Ranger fan here…gotta,respect Deslauriers, for welcoming Rempe into the league. Great fight, they both took, and gave some good shots. Rangers were lucky to pull out the W here.. looked sloppy, and our passing was horrific

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