@Kings de Los Angeles

Ce jour dans l’histoire des rois (2012) : Dustin Brown répond aux rumeurs commerciales en réussissant un tour du chapeau

Le 25 février 2012, le capitaine des Kings Dustin Brown a répondu aux rumeurs commerciales en marquant son troisième tour du chapeau en carrière contre les Blackhawks de Chicago. Brown a inscrit quatre points et Jarret Stoll a enregistré trois passes décisives dans une victoire de 4-0 pour les Kings.



  1. PeanutRaisenMan

    I miss 2012 – 2014 Kings. Such a fun and exciting era.

  2. Ancient_Pop_7036

    Literally my favorite moment as a Kings fan. The most mic drop shit I’ve seen come from an individual Kings performance. 

  3. mitokon

    Thanks for posting! This brings be great joy. « Trade deez nuts, » one can almost read in Brownie’s thought bubble.

  4. LosAngeles1s

    hockey yearns for another Kings Blackhawks rivalry

  5. KopitarFan

    I was at that game. Brought my Blackhawks fan friend with me. Oh man was that fun.

  6. piddlesthethug

    Against a Blackhawks team during their dynasty. If you wanted to win a cup between 2010 and 2015 and you were in the west, good chance you played one of these teams. Ridiculous.

  7. Ryan120420

    I was at this game.

    This was pretty much the start of the steamroller that was the 2012 Kings.

    Hard to believe it has been 12 years. Time sure does fly.

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