@Canucks de Vancouver

[Dhaliwal on Donnie and Dhali] Les Canucks ne reçoivent aucune indication de Pettersson quant à son intention de rester ici à long terme. Il y a là de la frustration. Je n’ai aucune information qu’il veut divulguer. Jusqu’à présent, j’ai toujours pensé qu’EP allait signer à nouveau, mais je n’en suis plus si sûr maintenant.

https://youtu.be/zvnSgd8G1p4?si=-tgfyHgXHTpZmKrp 3:50 mark



  1. metrichustle

    If this is true, it’s starting to make sense on why Canucks are trading for rentals like Lindholm and targeting high profile guys like Guentzel. We’re going to give up the farm for these rentals, but in the event Pettersson actually wants to leave, Allvin is going to trade him and get all those picks and prospects back anyways.

    On the contrary, I wonder why Pettersson doesn’t want to be here. Clearly it’s not about winning anymore or the money since we can afford him.

  2. Morty777

    This kind of seems like speculation. Dhali himself says he doesn’t know one way or another. 

  3. unbannedcoug

    It’s just funny because he says he wants to win and we’ve been sitting at the top all year. It goes against what he’s saying and he wants the bag.

  4. Catakillar

    I wonder if it more has to do with the tax bracket here taking so much compared to certain markets?

    I can’t imagine why else, Canucks have a legacy of Swedes, we are 1st in the league, and the new management clearly knows what they are doing.

  5. electricnux

    Not getting a clear answer is definitely more frustrating and is holding up all the planning for next year.

    If he says he wants to stay but will talk in May or if he says he wants out mgmt can at least plan accordingly, leaving them in the dark does not seem a good strategy for anyone.

  6. deletedtheoldaccount

    Petey wants a fashion line and to go to cool clubs and be friends with DJs, let him go. Get what we can. Let Joshua have the A. 

  7. ProfCharlesSexavier

    Petey for Crosby STRAIGHT UP

  8. Ok_Bobcat493

    I think they know he wants out and are keeping it quiet so his value doesn’t absolutely tank. Figures since I just bought his jersey.

    It’s time to start officially exploring trade options. Really really unfortunate that the single greatest offensive talent that we’ve ever drafted (aside from Bure) likely has his sights set elsewhere. 

    Maybe he doesn’t like the pressure. Maybe there’s lingering resentment over how badly Benning was allowed to botch the bubble core group. Maybe he just wants to play in the US.

    One thing is for sure – he won’t go into next season without a long term deal. You can’t risk him taking the 1 year and walking to FA. And what’s more, you absolutely *must* land several quality young pieces who can step up as Miller begins to slow down. 

  9. Brown_Recidivist

    Hes not gonna get moved at the deadline. You go all in with him now and worst case Ontario he doesn’t sign an extension in the summer then you do a sign and trade and move him for the best possible offer.

    In fact you will get more teams offering trades in the summer then you ever will at the fucking trade deadline. Only teams looking to bolster their roster for a playoff run add players at the deadline.

    Hopefully management realizes this and waits till the summer instead of being pressured to move him.

  10. MooreGold

    He might just want the Matthew’s style 4 to 5 year deal. That qualifies as not long term but it doesn’t mean he wants to leave

  11. HanSolo5643

    I think if he doesn’t want to stay long-term, you trade him in the summer, not now. I think if the team knows that he’s not staying long-term, then I could see the team being quite aggressive at the trade deadline because they get some very good assets back for Pettersson.

    But I will say this. There’s no indication that he wants out of Vancouver. The media is doing a lot of speculation without much evidence to back it up.

  12. WolfOfPort

    making stuff out of nothing per usual

  13. mattyondubs

    Petey negotiated a similar way last time. Coming right out and saying you’ll only play for the Canucks and want to stay here long term might be good for the fanbase to hear but it’s awful for the negotiating table. It’s not completely uncommon

  14. You people will believe anything. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  15. VeryLastChance

    Petey: I’m not focusing on my contract until the off-season


  16. MasterChrom

    I mean, even if he did wanna sign long term, I’d be concerned with what we’d be paying him. The guy doesn’t dominate and take over games on a consistent basis like Miller, MacKinnon, Kucherov, etc. Miller and Hughes have been far more valuable while making significantly less.

  17. PaperMoonShine

    This just doesn’t make sense to me…He’s best friends with so many on the team. Now he just wants to throw that away?

  18. ToyStrecher

    lol I don’t wanna freak out but I’ll admit I’m a sucker rn and reading into this statement. Rick and Don know how to get views!

    We’re literally the best Canadian city, arguably outside of Toronto (and most don’t ever want to play there). If true, wtf else does he want? He can be a star in a world-class yet not jungle of a city, that’ll overpay him, and can be a face of the team? A Swede who should know the tradition they have within our org wants to leave? For what, Chicago? NY? Did he get his heart broken here or smt?

  19. Ok_Worry7833

    Until an actual legit source or a member of the Canucks staff confirms this, can we not spread this BS?

  20. Laika4321

    I wouldn’t make any bold declarations. Knowing this management group and their track record, this type of media buzz probably indicates a signing is imminent.

  21. epochlink

    Don’t trust anything that comes from Dhaliwal’s mouth. Front office has its shit so tight that intel and insiders can’t find shit.

  22. Oliver-Ekman-Larsson

    All this Pettersson shit is a click farm and we fall for it every time. Lots of RFAs wait until training camp to sign.

    Everyone chill. Dhali and Friedman don’t know anything, they’re just throwing darts for headlines.

  23. gordongecko_69

    It’s clear to me that him and JT aren’t getting along. Their personalities don’t mesh and it’s painfully obvious when reading their body language on-ice.

  24. avmp629

    I wonder if him not committing « long-term » is just him trying to maximize his earnings by signing 4 or 5 years now and signing the big deal around age 29/30

  25. Hairy_Recognition_46

    Completely fair, but I still think he’s a good guy who will give some more years to Vancouver. Austen Matthew’s type 4 year deal?

    Vancouver is not for everyone, but I feel he would want this chance to win here, no?

    What other team in the near future gives him more from the hockey point of view? Maybe Chicago… but is that rly his vibe?

    I think a 3-4 year deal is gonna get done. Petey is a smart guy, and I haven’t seen/thought of another team that could match Vancouver.

    PS. I wanted to tank last year but I completely just took for granted Petey would sign. Wrong big time, so happy we got a good team.

  26. Black___Yoda

    If he wants to leave, that’s his prerogative. However I’d like to know why before. Canucks are a good team, passionate fan base, he will get paid, and he has friends here. There is no real reason to leave unless there’s something outside of hockey ex: GF in another NHL city that’s getting serious. All I know is he told Elliot he wanted to play for a good team (check) so if he walks regardless that tells me he didn’t think we would be good this season and was using that answer as a scape goat for him leaving in Summer. I’m still optimistic he signs however I think he signs a 3 year to align with Quinn.

  27. islandguy55

    Every game he plays he risks a career ending injury. Take a bridge offer petey, and cash in when youre at your peak

  28. There was a post game interview not long ago where Petey said « We’re trying to build something here. » He wouldn’t bother saying that if he actually wants out. Don’t believe the doubters.

  29. maharajagaipajama

    Petey is a fantastic player and I hope he stays. That said, I have always been neutral on him as a person and I have never gotten the impression he is stoked to be a Canuck. If he comes back I’ll cheer him on but I won’t be totally upset if he leaves.

  30. Alpacaduck

    I’d be more concerned if this exact same thing didn’t happen 3 years ago.

    In 2021, both Hughes and EP held out and missed a lot of training camp without a contract. Both refused to engage in contract talks in 2020 because of « I want to focus on the season » and « I don’t want the talks to be a distraction. »

    [Fuck, EP basically said the exact same thing in 2021 about him wanting « to play for a team that’s winning. »] (https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/report-canucks-pettersson-wants-play-team-thats-winning/)

    And we were the laughingstock of the NHL at that time.

    This is nothing. Now if we flame out in the playoffs and he’s unsigned 2 weeks into the 2024-25 preseason, then we can panic again.

  31. Staying off Twitter seems like it’s been a good decision

  32. flamingdragonwizard

    On a winning team.

    Face of the franchise.

    Surrounded by amazing coaches and swedes.

    Getting offered one of the biggest contracts in league history.

    Petey and his agent are starting to piss the fans off. If he moves he will have everyone in Van hating on him.

  33. okiedokie2468

    Probably doesn’t like to under the media microscope as are all players in Canadian cities is all I can figure

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