@Devils du New Jersey


23 autorisés en 6……….



  1. Muted_Yoghurt6071

    Sold our souls for that Stadium Series.

  2. Snooter-McGavin

    Just don’t understand why no moves have happened yet

  3. HopelessEsq

    Come out of the all star break with the season on the line and this is the performance we get. I wouldn’t mind so much if they were out there playing like the season was on the line but they’re playing their worst hockey of the season right now. Couple that with the absolutely humiliating home game against the rags while the organization spent the entire night cheerleading how fucking awesome our corporate sponsorship is was about the last straw for me. I’m throwing in the towel. Also still haven’t received my fucking stadium series jersey I ordered almost a month ago.

  4. DoxxingShillDownvote

    shit record! woo!

    low goals! woo!

    goalies made of swiss cheese! woo!

    shit power play! woo!

    woo! woo! woo! woo!

  5. That new defensive structure the coaching staff implemented is coming along nicely I see… Had a nice three-game performance then back to the same old BS

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