@Bruins de Boston

Cette tendance de fin de match devrait inquiéter les fans des Bruins

Gresh et Fauria discutent de la récente défaite des Bruins en fusillade contre le Seattle Kraken, qui a décroché sa 14e défaite en prolongation cette année. Alors que la date limite des échanges dans la LNH approche, les gars discutent de ce qui DOIT être fait pour que les B puissent remporter la Coupe. N’oubliez pas de vous abonner ! https://www.youtube.com/weeivideo 📡 ÉCOUTER EN DIRECT ➡️ https://www.audacy.com/weei/listen 📺REGARDER EN DIRECT ➡️ http://weei.com/watch 💻REGARDER EN DIRECT SUR TWITCH ➡️ http:/ /twitch.tv/bostonweei Téléchargez l’application Audacy aujourd’hui et diffusez votre WEEI où que vous soyez ! ➡️ https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-weei SUIVEZ-NOUS : TWITTER – https://twitter.com/WEEI INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/weeisports/ FACEBOOK : https : //www.facebook.com/WEEI/ Images miniatures avec l’aimable autorisation de Getty Images/USA Today Network. #Bruins #BostonBruins #NHLBruins


  1. 5:00 Real hockey? That's what they are built for! Last playoff, they lost 2 in OT and blew 2 leads to lose. Gresh, don't be a Felger. Research before speaking.

  2. When they get a lead they start playing as if they're killing a penalty. And then it beocmes a shooting gallery in their end.

  3. This team is going anywhere with this current roster.
    Any addition that Sweeney can pull off, won't change this teams problems.
    Monty must go too.
    How about trying some other shooters in the shootout.
    If Ullmark goes, they are doomed.

  4. Man you're fried if you think the Bruins are a cup contender. Regular season points don't mean shit.
    Goaltending, Pasta & Marchand got them this far. That's it.
    You can't win a cup on that.

  5. I have said this on other comments. Montgomery shortens his bench so much in third periods that by the end of the game the top 6 are burnt. They have nothing left in the tank. Fresh legs are sitting on the bench. It's truly all on Montgomery and his game management. I hadn't paid attention in the past but I really noticed earlier this year when Poitras kept disappearing in third periods. His obsession with line juggling doesn't help either.

  6. What has me worried is that its becoming ever more apparent that the NHL is rigging games

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