I’m happy for the guy and all but I want me a Cuylle jersey
Friends don’t let friends pay $200 for a fanatics jersey
Don’t know if any of you were there on Wednesday but he had the crowd eating out of his hand. Not only did he get cheers every time he touched the puck (or really, did *anything*), people were screaming for him during warmups. MSG leaned in by putting him on the scoreboard a lot. Guy’s a sensation!
I’m happy for the guy and all but I want me a Cuylle jersey
Friends don’t let friends pay $200 for a fanatics jersey
Don’t know if any of you were there on Wednesday but he had the crowd eating out of his hand. Not only did he get cheers every time he touched the puck (or really, did *anything*), people were screaming for him during warmups. MSG leaned in by putting him on the scoreboard a lot. Guy’s a sensation!
[rempes jersey is the 2nd highest bid ](https://auctions.nhl.com/iSynApp/allAuction.action?sid=1100803&rc=40&sort=curbid_desc&selectedCatId=11861&&pgcust1=rangers&pgcust2=&pgcust3=panname_teamName_s&pgmode1=teamsearch&pgmode2=&qMode=open&qt%5B0%5D.type=fieldmatch&qt%5B0%5D.name=panname_teamName_s&qt%5B0%5D.value1=rangers) for game worn stadium series
Yay for Rempage, but fuck those prices.