@Rangers de New York

C’est ce qui est arrivé à son visage après 5 matchs dans la LNH.

Matt Rempe a reçu les acclamations de la foule de sa ville natale au Madison Square Garden alors que les Rangers de New York affrontaient les Blue Jackets de Columbus, alors que les fans reconnaissaient ce que cette jeune recrue leur avait apporté ces derniers matchs.


  1. it's not violent it is 2 guys who fight just doing their jobs. This is why they hires him and that is why he is there. you will NEVER take fighting out of hockey. We just have way too many karens/kens complaining and crying about it. if you don't like it don't go to the games or turn the channel. Fighting has always been in hockey from day 1. stop crying and don't watch it if you don't like it.

  2. Kid knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s the talk of the league. Absolutely a huge fan, playing hockey the way it was meant to be played!!

  3. I think he had a bit of the "I'm invinciblle" syndrome going on after his first few fights. He wasn't even trying to protect himself during his fights. I bet he will now.

  4. Idiotic you can't fight your way into the league. This isn't the 70s He should get checked for CTE now.

  5. Enforcers? There are no enforcers in hockey anymore. Real "enforcers" haven't been seen in the league since the 1980's. That part of hockey began dying out around then and has gotten to the point where it's simply a sideshow with prearranged fights that have no context within the game itself.

  6. Everyone that I talk to about Hockey, who doesn’t watch or care about Hockey, always says something along the lines of “I like my Hockey players toothless, black eyed and European” lol the first person who said it to me said Russian but the other few said European. It all started because Im missing two of my front teeth from two different pucks to the face back when I played. I just thought I would throw this out there as some comedic relief. But in all seriousness, dude needs to chill, this isn’t the Domi, Probert, Kocur etc. days anymore. These kids get hit a few good times and they aren’t all coked up so they feel it pretty much right away and the pain makes them let their guard down just long enough to get hit and receive some eyes and some knots like that. But lastly, these are pro athletes, young or not, they know what they are getting into so let them go. I love fighting in the NHL and if they ever completely got rid of it, I would lose my biggest passion in life cuz I wouldn’t watch anymore. Revenge fights (for the right reasons!) are the best to watch.

  7. first off a couple black eyes isnt a lot of damage lol secondly Reeves aint gonna fight anyone and you know it haha

  8. Seems as Svechnikov in his first session still with milk teeth trying to make an impression in Ovechkin. He got a big punch and a concussion after a bad fall. Just focus in the game kids.

  9. Why not just apply to UFC instead if he wants to fight? Oh right, cause he would lose every time…

  10. All you people making negative comments about him act like you’ve never seen a game he fights and scores goals and he’s a rookie you people are so stupid it hurts

  11. Best fighters are not in the NHL. You’ve got some good ones but half the teams don’t carry a heavyweight

  12. The kid is living the dream, I hope he keeps it up, it's entertaining as hell and good for the game to have players play with real emotion.

  13. I remember when Wade Belak was the toast of the town as the Leafs enforcer. He was a gentle giant, and the psychological damage from fighting led him down a dark path to suicide. Glorifying violence in hockey is like nostalgia for the dirty bush league era of the 70s and 80s. I'm all for hard hitting, physical checking hockey… but the circus sideshow of staged fights on the ice is dangerous. Not worth the risk to the future physical and mental health of these young men.

  14. Said it himself he likes to fight. If the kid does fight Reaves, it’ll be because he wants to. Don’t see an issue with that

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