@Canucks de Vancouver

Ce match des Canucks est devenu incontrôlable…

Les Canucks de Vancouver perdent contre les Kings de Los Angeles dans un match qui est devenu incontrôlable lorsque les Canucks ont perdu 5-1… Elias Pettersson reçoit trop de haine et cela lui arrive, tout le monde doit se détendre. Thatcher Demko a besoin de repos… et s’il vous plaît, Dakota Joshua revient. Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Definitely saw the pressure on the players, though. People should hop off their backs a bit and let them have fun playing the game.

  2. After the promise of the early season my expectations have tempered to pre-season levels. I just hope they make the playoffs and win a game or two in the first round.

  3. It's human nature to relax with a buffer cushion in first place. LA was more desperate and hence, more focused. If the Canucks lose Sunday against Anaheim, then I'd start to worry because the Ducks have no skin in the game and therefore no motivation given that they're miles out of the playoff race.

  4. Could be trying to save energy for playoffs. If u go all out in reg season, you have no gas in tank for playoffs. BOS vs FLA last year is a great example

  5. All teams are in the same boat. They are all tired at this stage of the season. Inexcusable

  6. Canucks coming back to reality, punching above their weight all season. All good, been a fun ride. Playoffs with be fun, though likely only 5/6 games but it’s a start.

  7. we fuckin desperately need joshua and that third line back man. get lindholm a winger, slap him on the 4th/3rd line (joshua garland blueger could be 4th, doesnt rly matter) and for fuck sakes they need to stop switching up the lines its so frustrating. i get the power play shit, but when they start switchin up our defense pairings, thats gotta chill man i get they like juulsen but ffs dont put him on a line with huggy…. guys just had no energy that game all we can do is pray we dont get games like that in the playoffs. just feels like every other game now is a stinker

  8. Seems since the trade of kuzemenko for overrated Lindholm has changed the energy and dynamics of this team. Nice to have a player who wins alot of faceoffs which doesnt mean youll win games, but havent seen any offensive output since his first game with the canucks, . At least Kuzemenko is noticeable when hes playing

  9. they should have kept kuzy and traded mikayhev and myers for tanev from the flames. lindholm trade has messed w the flow and energy. we are imploding

  10. Unfortunately was there irl, and the only fun part outside of the Boeser goal was being with my friends. Idk the boys looked so gassed I wouldn't have though LA was playing their 3rd game in 4 nights. I feel like the heat is getting to them right now and they have to deal with the expectations from fans of being a top team and the rest of the league seeing them as such. The core is young, and they don't have much experience in these scenarios so it's to be expected but the effort needs to be more consistent. Special teams also needs work still. We're lucky we punched so high in the first half of the season so we don't need to worry about losing our playoff spot atm but yeah. I kinda doubt playoff longevity now but that can still be changed throughout March and April. I have faith they'll turn it around.

  11. It's from mental and physical fatigue Deaner. Nothing complex.

    It has nothing to do with over playing Demko, nothing to do with Joshua, nothing to do with Peteys contract.

  12. Excuses are for pretenders not cup contenders. Quit defender Petty, he wants top money show up…every night. I pay McDavid, Mathews etc. top money because they bring it consistently. Petty does not do that.

  13. All this talk about Kuzmenko is grasping at straws. He wasn't playing that much and when he was the team would get scored on. The team isn't clicking right now, it happens to every team during a long season. There is no reason to think they won't snap out of it. They built a cushion so they can withstand a bad patch. Anyone who started thinking the Canucks are this juggernaut team that would never see a down period is forgetting where they were last season. Don't panic boys.

  14. Totally agree. I am looking forward to Dakota making a return, it looks to me like the line chemistry has been affected by the Tochet shuffles. The guys need to build some confidence and belief in each other, that's the winning formula.

  15. I think they are all expecting someone else to score and no one is stepping up. The officiating is terrible and they have the Canucks curse of having the worst travel schedule in the league. Who knows where they'll go from here.

  16. Not to blame this on literally everything but lack of effort which it kinda was despite the point of the season we’re in:
    1 talks about Elias, one of your best players and a face of the franchise being traded is gonna rattle the morale like crazy
    2 this isn’t a fluke season but also no team can JUST win
    3 kings are not a team to dismiss
    4 Dakota Joshua can’t have to carry all the energy but having him gone for a while certainly isn’t great
    5 5 I agree Demko didn’t play great but yes, he plays a lot, off day for energy is definitely possible

    My point is while this was a really bad game, you can’t act like it’s a season ender

  17. Well unless it's Mcdavid he kind of dictates every game 🙂 Canucks peaked early I think, but we'll see.

  18. I think the fans will ease off EP40 if the rumours were not saying that he was looking for $12m/y. For that kind of money, he should be the difference maker in all these games or at least stealing some of the games we have lost this year. So yea, it would of been way better to not have it leaked that he wants McDavid/Mckinnon money when he doesnt play to that standard.

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