@Blues de Saint-Louis

Proposition commerciale à succès des Oilers d’Edmonton et des Blues de St. Louis !

Nous plongeons dans la date limite des échanges de la LNH pour voir ce que les Oilers d’Edmonton pourraient faire et s’ils peuvent éloigner un défenseur défensif des Blues de St. Louis. Feriez-vous ce métier ? #edmontonoilers #stlouisblues #nhltradedeadline #nhltraderumors #nhlnews


  1. Very very strange. Left a comment. It seemed to be carrying over to every video I was watching so I deleted it in one of those video's and now it's gone here (sigh). Okay, first, great video Brandon. I'd like to try keeping Kulak as his numbers are really good (and I'm a Math guy) but if we have a real upgrade, go for it. Candidly a "real"" upgrade may be Broberg but they may also wait for next year before doing it and do a trade in the off season. Kulak is an Edmonton boy and that hometown support never hurts. Nic Dowd (if he recovers fully) at just over a million Cap would be wonderful as a 3C or 4C. Great faceoff numbers. We need depth on 3rd and 4th lines. Ceci upgrade would be great but it has to be an upgrade. I also noticed that most teams are using 4th round picks to pay for the extra 25% retention (so first team takes 50% for like a 3rd rounder (see Calgary trade to Dallas) and 4th rounder pays for extra 25%. I can see Connor Brown (who has good PK numbers overall) going, Janmark going maybe, I'd like to keep Foegele but if it's a great upgrade, sorry Bank has only so much in it. Some are suggesting getting rid of Evander Kane. I'm not one of them. Kane turns it on a lot in the playoffs and we need physical. I'd rather get help for 3rd and 4th lines and get depth scoring than boost top 6 who already contribute a ton. Without depth it would be bad. Another good option would be Bjugstad if he's still available. He's played here and fits in. He's within our budget. Take care all.

  2. If the Oilers bought out Campbell and traded Cici would that cover the cost of Parayko & Buchnevich???✌😊

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