@Red Wings de Détroit

Quelqu’un connaît-il le nom de la femme qui a chanté l’hymne national lors du match de l’Avalanche du 22 février au LCA ?

C’est une chanteuse exceptionnelle et j’aimerais la retrouver. Google a échoué. Merci d’avance! Edit : elle s’appelle LaTorea McBride. j’ai trouvé ça (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLe8GKcR/) depuis sa page TikTok d’elle chantant ce soir-là. Vraiment une voix incroyable !



  1. Pokemon_goer121

    Monica Notaro is the usual signer. Not sure specifically about that game cause I wasn’t there but the 10 other games I’ve been to this year she’s the one who has been signing it

  2. kermitthefrog57

    Was it Sarah Faith? Was not at the game though

  3. ItsDaBurner

    Kane overtime winner game? That woman has PIPES. An awesome start to an amazing evening, hopefully she lives well somewhere.

  4. coozgoblin

    I was at this game. First game this season I’ve been to. Me and my buddy looked at each other while she was singing and were like, “damn…”. The crowd went wild for her.

  5. thorninmysoul

    I was also very impressed by the performance that night, my wife even turned to me and asked after what ever happened to Karen Newman, to which I said I’m not sure but this woman should be singing it every night it was that good.

  6. Electrical-Fudge-452

    Monica Notaro is the regular singer there but she wasn’t there that night

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