@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du New Jersey perdent contre les Capitals de Washington 6-2

Les Devils du New Jersey ont perdu contre les Capitals de Washington par un score de 6-2 le 20/02/24 au Capital One Arena de Washington, DC. Une perte totale et écrasante. Je discute du jeu dans cette vidéo récapitulative. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Découvrez l’épisode 3 du podcast Runnin With The Devils, avec Bobby Holik : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtHOmaavONo&feature=youtu.be Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #jackhughes #alexanderovechkin #nicodaws #washingtoncapitals #devils #capitals #newjerseydevils #nhl #hockey #njdevilspodcast # newjerseydevilspodcast


  1. I didn’t even watch the game really. I had a friend over, but they let me have it on in the background. I turned it off after the Caps went up 4-1. That wasn’t a game we should have lost, we should have won. Seriously, if someone is gonna make a move, it needs to be *now*. Nothing has happened trading or firing wise. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, HOLTZ SCORED. A BEAUTIFUL PLAY FROM NEMEC, THE TOTALLY 30 YEAR OLD VET DEFENSEMEN, NOT A 20 YEAR OLD ROOKIE. safe to say that game
    made me 6-2 my stomach

    I’ll see myself out

  2. Well, everyone kept on saying "Saturday was fun but time to focus on today." Guess we don't practice what we preach. Very demoralize when the Rangers are two days away.

  3. You see the respect we get around the league? The announcers mentioned our great speed and how dangerous Meier is cause he’s scored 30 plus goals for San Jose 3 times but what good is any of that if our defense plays as terrible as they did tonight? I’d rather have a slow good defensive team like Washington than a bunch of speed demons who refuse to care about clearing out rebounds smh!

  4. you again are blaming a goalie. He could not do shit on any of goals.Defense sucked again

  5. I don’t hate Lindy, and I have not been on the fire Lindy train. However, he always seems to make these boneheaded moves, and I would love to see a different take on this team.

    Also, Travis Green has to go, and yes we need someone like a Brady Tkachuk on the team next to Jack.

  6. After a historic win on Saturday, this is how we respond?! I'd be damned if we make the playoffs this year. Unfortunately our mistakes we made last off-season have come back to bite us. We didn't acquire a goalie or a D-man, we let go Andrew Brunette (a lot of our success last year came from him and finally we didn't part ways with ruff. It's not entirely his fault by all means but good grief a refresh behind the bench was and still is necessary. Also the hiring of Travis Green really didn't help matters. I'm sorry but I think he's a terrible coach. I hope those problems get addressed between now and the start of next year. The only thing I ask for the remainder of this season is that we don't get crushed by the rags. Sorry for the rant but I just had to vent. 😤👿

  7. Pathetic. Ruff has to go. His teams have historically been bad defensively. He took Buffalo to the Cup finals? No it was hasek. Watched lots of those games back then. Porous defense, out shot by wide margins on a nightly basis. When he coached Dallas, they went from being tough on D to run n gun. Go up 3-4 goals on teams then give up 2 or 3. Same crap. 86 gets crushed by dirt bag Wilson + nothing? Pathetic wusses. Tissue paper.

  8. Flew back to Florida today and ended up sleeping thru the first half of the game tonight. Sounds like the Devils did too.
    Bipolar team and like you said “baby shit soft”. That’s been an issue all season and it’s lost them a few games not being able to hang with the physical play. Defense break downs plague this team, but that’s beating a dead horse.
    Sucks that big changes have to happen and they will.
    Apparently Timo is still hurt and Jack is still hurt and they don’t want him playing Center and getting banged up.
    Lazar said at the signing they are making the playoffs, hope he is right.

  9. Lindy thinks he knows just as much as the experts who only watch the stat sheet and trash Timo. Dude hasnt forgot how to play hockey. Lindy constantly puts his defensemen on the wrong side too. This team doesnt need a goalie, we need a coach that can push a gritty culture. Lindy is a lifelong 500 coach with no cups for a reason. Going back to the luke/smitty pairing is ludacris and the holtz mistreatment is insane. #justicefortimo

  10. We spent big on offense. Now you only have the money to spend on defense or in goal. Not both. I don't see a goaltender or even 1 better defender making this team an instant cup contender. Can't score dirty goals, can't beat forechecking teams and can't protect the front of the net. And worst of all Lindy is bulletproof thanks to Jack. Not good

  11. At this point im just watching the wings to see if they lose so we can make a move. FITZY PLEASE DO SOMETHING

  12. Haven't really started to lose faith in this team until tonight. Went to the game in DC and it was just a disaster. Rlly sucks

  13. Capitals secure two points, Islanders secure two points, Penguins secure 1 point and the devils just blow it. This team isnt playoff ready

  14. 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Story of the devils season. It comes down to how bad they want it, and it seems like they don't want it right now.

  15. Trap game is right. Wsh has our number, was motivated to play, and NJ got off their game 3p.

    First goal was Luke's fault creating the layup situation, and Jack didn't come down to support. Second goal I'll tip my cap to McMichael, but Daws also could've played that line better. Then 3p NJ blew all d assignments getting impatient and frustrated.

    Daws wasn't sharp, but the biggest problem was they got away from their structured game while only being down 1. They have to regroup and focus back on that. Pp movement and shots looked good even though they didn't score.

    Tomorrow's game is a massive test – and a huge morale booster if they can come away with the W.

  16. I said long time on some other YouTube channel: look at the 2022 Panthers. President Cup but 1st round exit. What they do? Trade away soft 115 points player like Huberdeau. Got grit player in Tkachuk. They also make other changes not only up front but on the D too to become a grit team . The result? We all can see. Devils meanwhile choose to go into the opposite direction. The result? We also can see.

  17. BRO!!! This was a typical Ruff special!!! SMITH ON THE BACKEND HAS TO STOP!!!!!!!!! Ruff has to see this and cant roll 4 lines all night!! Awful coaching!!! no adjustments!!! no push!! ZERO mid game corrections!!! What is going on on the bench!!!! Maybe fitz wants to let Ruff go out on his own at the end of the year BUT come on !!! You don't let it hurt your team!!! ALSO Palat is missing half the time.. Who is jack passing to??? Haula?? Man I'm done with this shi+ show!! really. CLOWN WORLD HOCKEY!! Where is Fitz???

  18. Why are some fans high on Holtz? He has had opportunities with Jack, and Nico. Yet has failed to establish chemistry with either. Timo playing his strong side shouldn't be that big of a deal. Most players prefer to play their strong side. I know Dmen certainly do.

  19. I’ve said this all year, but I’ll say it again. This team is a perfect disaster. Everyone thinks they are going to be OK but they’ll play a decent game randomly. I have been consistent in saying our structure and coaching has been a complete joke all year. It’s disgusting. The fact that Ruff is still behind our bench is a joke. Super disappointed in Fitz.

  20. 4 for 57 on the powerplay and Lindy keeps putting that same line out night after night. Not sure when you'd finally say "maybe this isn't working". Also, to your point, we've got some really skilled (and expensive) players not playing their natural positions. We're mostly healthy at this point, why continue to put players in less than optimal situations for seemingly no reason.

    I'll also add what may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Luke Hughes is getting too much play time. He's got a huge career ahead of him and will most definitely be a top 5 defensemen for most of it. But right now he's making a lot of costly mistakes each game with seemingly no punitive actions from the coaching staff.

  21. Lindy is pure trash at best !!!! Fire his ass we are going no where with that clown 🤡

  22. to some extent except 80s the grit always beat skill in NHL and that will always be that way!

  23. I dont get what you Devils fans want. Do you want this team win the Cup within a year or two or do you want this team to mature, get experience and then compete. Well, I have a bad news for you. It would take 4-5 years for our young D-core to mature, to get bigger. Are you ready to wait? Are Jack, Nico and Jesper ready to wait that long?😂 Well, if you are not ready to wait that long then some of the core players must be traded so the team gets bigger and more experienced. You choose!😁

  24. Rangers are gonna kick our ass tomorrow. Lindy has to go. This team is showing absolutely NO HEART. I am taking my niece to the game on Saturday….they better win, or I may have to encourage my niece to root foe the flyers…at least they fired their coach when he sucked, and got someone reputable like Tortorella. Lindy sucks. Hes completely clueless. There were so many games where, if I was the coach, and saw how horribly the team played, I would pull an Herb Brooks, send the team back out on the ice to have them run laps until they collapse. If they dont want to work during the game, I would make them work right after. Hell I remember when I ran track in high school, we got our asses handed to us at one meet by a score of like 98-3. It was a pitiful loss. Well the next day, we got pushed beyond our limits. Anyone that whined, was sent home. The same thing needs to be done to this team.

  25. Say goodbye to playoffs which was obvious like 3 months ago)). Little Hughes is 🤡 Devils are trash. Fitzgerald is a God among GMs. 😂 Ruff for the Adams Award!!

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