@Oilers d'Edmonton

Discussion sur la date limite des échanges avec les Oilers d’Edmonton | Bloc commercial, besoins en matière de liste et plus encore !

Bienvenue dans ma répartition des #oilers d’Edmonton à l’approche de la date limite des échanges ! Dans cette vidéo, nous approfondissons les blocs commerciaux potentiels des Oilers, les précieux jetons commerciaux, les besoins en matière de liste et bien plus encore. De l’analyse des performances des joueurs à la discussion des rumeurs commerciales, j’évalue la stratégie potentielle des Oilers pour l’avenir. Rejoignez-moi pour explorer les forces et les faiblesses de l’équipe, en mettant en évidence les domaines qui doivent être renforcés pour réussir les séries éliminatoires. À l’approche de la date limite des échanges, les spéculations vont bon train sur les joueurs qui pourraient être en mouvement et quelles acquisitions pourraient renforcer la liste. Que vous soyez un fan inconditionnel des Oilers ou simplement intéressé par les discussions commerciales de la LNH, cette vidéo fournit des informations précieuses et des opinions éclairées pour vous tenir au courant de tous les derniers développements concernant les Oilers d’Edmonton. Ne manquez pas cette analyse approfondie. Si vous ne voulez manquer aucune mise à jour, annonce ou téléchargement de vidéo, assurez-vous de vous abonner à ma chaîne et de suivre mes réseaux sociaux ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/AHockey1993 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/austinhockey.bsky.social TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@AHockey1993 Instagram : https://www.instagram. com/ahockey1993/ Si vous avez aimé la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, assurez-vous de cliquer sur « J’aime » et si vous l’avez vraiment aimé, assurez-vous de « vous abonner » alors que nous continuons à créer la meilleure chaîne YouTube de hockey en 2024 !


  1. You guys have been sitting at 21/23 contracts for roughly 2 and a half weeks if my memory isn’t broken. That has accumulated little bits of deadline space. Is intentional I feel. Last year your front office ended the deadline with exactly 0 deadline space, a first ever possibly, can’t find a reference to see if it had happened before. Anyway, all of that makes me think your team is big game hunting and has a specific target. My selfish guess is Parayko for Ceci plus.


  3. My Deadline Wishlist:

    Ideally I would like 1-2 top 6 players with these features.
    1. A Player with Term: The more space we can plan for now, the easier contract talks with Draisaitl is next year. (I also happen to think next year will be the year not this one.)
    2. An Interest and Ability to Shoot: Part of the reason we struggle with our finishing ability is that we have A TON of playmaker ability and some power forwards, we dont seem to have any snipers. If McDavid is opting to pass, have the option to go to someone who can pick the corners. (Someone like a Bjorkstrand, a Laine, a Stamkos, perhaps a TARASENKO.)
    3. A Top 4 Shut-down Defenseman: Tanev is gone and Philly is NOT the answer. My scouting of this position is not as good but I would be more impartial to moving Ceci and trading for any defensively minded player who exceeds at providing outlet passes. There is always the option to call up Broberg if needed in the playoffs.
    4. This one is a pipe dream for sure! – Find someone willing to take Jack Campbell's contract. He is a nice guy and Im glad hes doing well in Bako but him coming to Edmonton in the first place was a wild mistake. Perhaps a team will be willing to take him off the books for us, but likely not.

    Its Hollands probable final year, he HAS to do something right? Right?

  4. The only way I'd trade the high picks is if it's NOT for a rental. Otherwise I like most of your choices. Wanner would be on my wouldn't move list.

  5. I think Janny is playing better because maybe he figures might as well make a case for himself to stay instead of going on the block. I agree that Ceci may need to go, but who's gonna want to have him given his numbers and metrics. Not as bad as the Campbell situation though with his contract and metrics. I do agree with giving AHL callups more meaningful minutes. If Broberg can bump down a higher up dman in the lineup(cough Ceci Cough) we might be able to get away with not trading him(Ceci), at least for the rest of the season. The optics don't look good, though and you gotta be sure it's gonna work if you are Paul Coffey/Knoblauch. Work politics are real, even on an NHL bench. As far as forwards, I do think that someone with finish is required, but also someone that can finish in the playoffs. That's a huge ask, but if Holland can find someone that can do that(in the Western conference style of play also), that would be the biggest item off the grocery list. Problem is, everyone is looking for that lol. What does everyone think of possibly getting Duclair, Toffoli, or Wennberg for depth forward rental options? Gotta have a winger there for Drai. Or if Wennberg is a 3rd center, can have Drai be on wing and Nuge his center. We know they work well like that already. As for goaltending, I completely agree with your assessment. Probably not worth trading Picks. Hes a proven locker room guy. He's gotta be allowed to start more. Does need work on rebound control/battling on those in tight 2nd and 3rd chances. HE makes the 1st save good enough(knock on wood) though. If we do somehow find a 3rd goalie like Vegas did last year with their 8 goalies 😅, we could have fresh legs in the playoffs if we make it. We need to find a future HoFer not named Fleury or Quick.

  6. Trading or just flushing Nurse is the transformational move that is so over due. Ignoring that reality gives no credibility to ths analysis

  7. Yes keep Gagner… for what?

    Seriously he was made redundant when we got Perry. We should be looking to upgrade the bottom six and that means everyone with a cap hit who doesn't matter should be expendable. Gagner doesn't even play every game

  8. Agreed with the majority of what you said. For me the absolute priorities are a top 6 winger for drai (preferably rw, but I wouldn’t be too picky about it), top 4 RD, and 4C. A 7th D would be nice as well, but unless they can get a cheap replacement for Ceci, then I don’t know how they find the money for that. They’ve accrued just over $2m in cap space, which is decent, but not a lot when they need to get 3 players. Especially when Vegas has $6.8m in current cap space, and we’re competing for the same players. That worries me a little bit.

    Both the preds and the blues have some interesting trade targets. Carrier is interesting at his price point, although preds only have 1 retained salary slot left so they might be reluctant to bring it down further if that limits other deals. And I liked Buchnevich in the blues game the other day. He does have term as well, 1 more year after this season. I don’t know if he’d be the perfect fit for Draisaitl, but most guys who I think would be are not available. An interesting video might be to look into the advanced stats of some of the available targets and assess if you think they’d be a good fit, if you haven’t already.

    They’re not gonna trade Brown, he makes league min and he isn’t a liability and I don’t see a team actively wanting him. They’re more likely to send down DR and/or Janmark who make more and keep Brown as the 13th forward. Not to continue hating on Janmark, he has been playing well for a few games. I just don’t see him continuing to contribute into the playoffs but I’d love to be proven wrong on that. Also, I agree about Kane. He doesn’t have real chemistry with Drai, and he doesn’t seem to produce much on the 3rd line either. He was great at the start of the year when everyone else was doing bad. I don’t hate him as a player at all, and I don’t think that they absolutely have to get rid of him to succeed. I just get frustrated with how hot and cold he can be. But I doubt they look to trade him this season.

  9. Beau will be a stud on the D, it’s like winning the lottery!! I disagree about Nudge he’s the one chip you have to use in a trade, if you want to get a top D man you need to use a big chip! This is a year to go big, so don’t leave any trade without using everything you have!

  10. The problem the coach faces is that instead of having six top players, he actually only has four top players: McDavid, Hyman, Draisaitl and Nudgen-Hopkins. Kane is NOT top 6, 3-d liner player at best.😇 Oilers need one more type of Hyman player😝

  11. I think Campbell comes back for Play offs. No cap no problem. I think they will test him out early in the first round and see what he looks like

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