@Rangers de New York

Matt Rempe ignore complètement Ryan Reaves

Téléchargé par Alyssa Hope Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Alyssa Hope Twitter : @_alyssa_hope Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. ALLLLL of you hating on Rempe for not getting into his 5th fight in like 7 games are classless fuc*ing assholes that have no respect for the game or a players well being. Think youre so tough you go out there and fight Martin, Olivier, Deslauries and Reaves and tell me how you feel after just one of those fights let alone 3 or 4.

  2. Good on you kid. In the future dont be letting the guys you go with kick your feet out from under you at the end of the tiffs.

  3. He shouldn’t be fighting with his face still a bit fudged up. Smart choice, Reaves just searching for a reason to pretend to be relevant.

  4. Look at his face. No surprise he wouldn’t want yet another fight. And Reeves should know that.

  5. Reeves never been good. -5917482 in your career. Everyone should ignore that clown. A 21 year old kid is smart enough for that.

  6. Watching this first, I thought Rempe wimped-out here vs Reaves. But after seeing the fight between them in the 3rd, I change my mind. Before Rempe drops-em, he looks towards the bench seemingly for the green light from the coaches. So it seems he was on a short leash. And then although neither of them landed any punches flush to the face, Rempe seemed to be in control and had the upper hand.

    Reaves is done, IMO. Guys like WiFi and now Rempe are taking over now. Can't wait to see those 2 go at it.

  7. Rempe said, how come ya never challenged Wilson after cheap shotting our best player ??

  8. All the fat, beer soaked, nacho eating retards criticizing the kid for not fighting every night…go wipe the chip dip off your man tits before casting judgment.

  9. Rempe was told not to fight, but to win a game. He got the green light in the third from the bench before he engaged. Good discipline.

  10. What would even necessitate a fight there? Because Reaves gave up the puck? No wonder he fights so much. What a loser.

  11. ❤Fighting is not worth the effort. Unreversible brain damage, hands beat up beyond repair, early dementia, arthritis & numerous other health issues. Hopefully they will get Rempe more involved in the game. He would be great in front of the net where he would no doubt get some points & also draw the competition into penalties. Silly fighting.

  12. Im a Leafs fan i have zero problem with him avoiding Reaves. The kid has fought plenty, you cant be fighting every game if you dont produce you wont last either.

  13. I watched the refs watch him rev it up and leaving his feet attempt to drive the Leafs new defensemans head thruogh the glass.He took him out,im sure he was concussed 0 retribution from the Leafs or refs.Again we are waiting for a major injury before resending the message to control dangerous play.A short time later he skated by another Leaf behind the net,gave him a shoulder then snapped an elbow into his face.This style of play is going to shorten his and others carreers.The league is basking in the neilson ratings he is winning them and do not appear interested doing their jobs.I pray that when he does cripple someone or himself with his condoned dangerous play that the evidence is enough to chase the weasel Bettman and his cronies out of the n.h.l.

  14. Let the man heal holy shit💀 bro can barely open his eyes and reaves is barking at his neck. Bro had the roughest start to a career imaginable in the NHL.

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