@Capitals de Washington

Brian MacLellan sur la blessure de TJ Oshie : « Je m’attendrais à ce qu’il revienne » cette saison

Brian MacLellan sur la blessure de TJ Oshie : « Je m’attendrais à ce qu’il revienne » cette saison



  1. Impressive-Eye9920

    👋Hi all..Canadian Caps fan from Winnipeg here 😊 So my birthday/Christmas present a few months ago was a front row ticket against the glass to the Caps/Jets game here next week, and seeing Oshie & Wilson (my two favorite Caps players) up close has been on my « bucket/ wish list » for the past few years – hence this amazing gift was given to me😁 When I found out that Osh got injured, my first thought was OMG is he ok? That was then followed by NOOOOO..whyyyyy?😣😭..Of course like everyone else I want him to be healthy first and foremost, but I am also hoping against hope that he is back on the ice by then so that my wish comes to fruition🤞..I will be soooooo disappointed if I don’t get to see him alongside Wills next week 😕He’s had so many health issues as of late, and if he retires in the next year or two, this may be my only opportunity to see him up close 😢 Please get well and come back Osh!! 🤞🤞🤞Let’s go Caps!!

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